Trees next to run? I want to tell my husband he is wrong

I have forgot to mention how good luffa and martin house gourds are for summer shade over a chicken run. They are (like hops) a fast grower and quickly make shade in late spring. By the dog days of summer, here in the mid south, the Gourd vines are covered with large flowers and hanging with growing large gourds. The vines cover 25 feet over the top of the run after quickly climbing the 7 foot tall sides, making heavy shade. My chickens are happier than ever between the hops and the gourds.
Go ahead with the fruit trees. You keep fruit trees pruned for best production and ease of harvesting, so they don't get that large to offer the most attractive resting spot for hawks. The only issue would be your fungus and pest control method. You'd need to be careful about what chemicals you spray around the chickens. Actually, the chickens help control the beetles that go for the trees and they clean up dropped fruit, which controls both fruit disease and pests. We've had fruit and pecan trees around our chickens for years with no problems. The owls and hawks only use the really large cedar elms and bois d'arc trees that were here long before us.

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