Trimming a roo's spurs?


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Central PA
I have a roo that's pretty friendly, but I also have a three year old son. They are never out at the same time without my supervision because of obvious reasons. Duke's never shown any signs of aggressiveness, but I was wondering if I could trim his spurs and if anyone's ever done it before?

I trim my dog's nails with a Dremel tool, and have had nothing but good results... no bleeding, no taking too much nail off. I've trimmed them this way since he was a pup so he's used to it now.

I was thinking about trimming my roo's spurs this way also... thoughts??
hahahaha i am thinking of getting a rooster and i was gonna name him Duke. great name for a goat too. i would definitely take his spurs off for the safety of your son. i have a 5 year old sister and i am wondering whether i should take to spurs off of my rooster when i get him. definitely check the Youtube video first. DUKE LOVE THE NAME
In this websites search bar type in removing a roos spurs with a baked potato..there is an explanation of how to do it and I heard from another person that it works great. Good luck

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