triple yolks?

oy you will get a few double yolkers or girls have been laying just over a month or so, no more for us I don't sad...but good for the poor girls laying them!
oy you will get a few double yolkers or girls have been laying just over a month or so, no more for us I don't sad...but good for the poor girls laying them!

i am excited for them both !
i dont know how long left but fingers crossed its soon i want an egg!!!
not all hens will lay a double yolker, must of mine never have. I have one hen that for 3 years laid double yolkers quite often, she's slowed down on the doulbe yolkers this year, but still lays reg. I took diff sizes and colors of eggs for my dd preschool class to look at and took one of hers that I thought was a double yolker, it turned out to be a double yolker with a tiny whole egg inside from what the teacher said.
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if you think a triple yolk is amazing check this out!!!!!

ps dont mind the first one with no english it was just the thing i wanted to show you

now i want one of these eggs
Boy were we suprised this morning with a triple yoke! I was an extreamly large egg and one of our tetra tints first eggs! They have just started laying with in the past week or so!!!
I got a double from my RIR yesterday, the one she laid today was really small, and I got one from my white hen today but I am betting on her Laying a soft shell tomorrow, I usually get is about once a week.
My Wellsummers are 20 weeks old and just started laying last week. Getting just 1-3 eggs a day. Today one of the eggs was bigger than the rest. Cracked it open and it had 3 yolks!

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