Trouble getting ban chickens to stop crying


In the Brooder
Sep 3, 2018
I just got two baby chickens and they won’t stop crying , they been crying for almost all day. I don’t know what to do. The first day was all good. I don’t have a heat thingy but I’m not sure if I need them. They are still a week I think because they still haven’t got there feathers. Please help get them to stop crying
I take it from your post that there is no heat in their brooder. They are most likely cold. A heat source is a necessity until they start getting their feathers. For now, take a large towel or several. Roll them like logs and place in with them in a donut shape like a nest. Make the center hole as small as possible to fit the number of chicks you have. This will at least let them conserve body heat. They also need food and water constantly available.
I just got two baby chickens and they won’t stop crying , they been crying for almost all day. I don’t know what to do. The first day was all good. I don’t have a heat thingy but I’m not sure if I need them. They are still a week I think because they still haven’t got there feathers. Please help get them to stop crying

The chics typically are noisy when they need something. Make sure they have free access to water and 20% starter grower feed or starter feed. Put small clean rocks in water container to prevent drowning in it. Brooder temp should be 95 degrees first week if not under mother. Wean each week by 5 degrees till at 70 degrees. If overnight temp is not under this can put in outside coop if tolerating and growing. Chics will keep chirping if cold and hungry. Make sure they are drinking water if not dip beak tip in water to show them. Food and water should not be under heat lamp but not far away either. If huddled together all the time too cold. They should have quiet rest periods where nest together. If up active moving around usually happy. You can get a cheap $9.00 brooder lamp at Tractor supply or other feed animal store near you tie it to a pole securely at 18 inch height. Tie pole securely to brooder whatever you are using. It’s the cheapest. You wean by raising lamp each week and testing temp with thermometer in brooder. Just tape cheap thermometer in brooder. If do not have one TSC does. Try to keep stable temp. I bought a thermal regulator to plug in so once set temp, light goes on and off as controlled by set temp. Well fed warm chics are happy ones. I also used vit a pak electrolytes first 5 days then weekly in water as directed on package for dosage.

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