trouble in paradise


5 Years
Nov 3, 2014
I have a male guinea who was born June 10th. We didn't think he was going to make it so he was put in the garage in a box with a stuffed animal under a heat lamp. Well Woodson did make it and absolutely is a wonderful bird and very loving. We can pet him and he just loves the attention! I have (4) other guineas, 2 males and 2 females which Woody is a product of. Well my other male birds will chase Woody if he comes out of the garage so Woodson has learned this behavior and thinks that is what he should do. Now he chases my dog to the point where the dog will not go outside if Woody is out. My thinking is if Woody had a mate he will stop this behavior so I bought a female guinea this weekend. Charli was born August 9th so she is a few months younger than Woody. Well Woodson is attacks her at times. How can I get him to stop this behavior and accept Charli? He is a Royal Purple and she is a Blue so I can't wait to see what their babies turn out like this spring.

Is there anything I can do to help Woody accept this adorable female?
Just an update on my two guineas... Woodson is finally accepting Charli and they are getting along during the day and while eating. He will sometimes sit on top of the cage she is in so he is learning to stay by her side! It is very sweet to see these two realize that they should be together! The Guineas are special and bring a little bit of heaven to our lives! :)
Awesome news! Glad to hear it. And yes, they bring so much to the lives of those of us who know of them and choose to invite them to join our families. Our adult guineas have integrated so beautifully into our chicken flock and we have 11 more 2 week olds that will join the others once they're big enough to fend for themselves. Very special birds, indeed!

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