Trouble Passing Egg


10 Years
May 4, 2012
Do guineas ever have problems passing eggs? Ethel has been laying for some weeks now, one egg a day. In the last few days I have noticed her sitting twice a day, morning and afternoon, on the nest. I know she hasn't gone broody, and shes making a strange noise I haven't heard before. Kind of a deep horsey laugh :), while she's on the nest. I am concerned that she's having trouble. Any advice is appreciated!
If she is still laying daily I would not worry about her... if she's stopped laying and isn't broody then you may want to catch her and check to see if she is egg bound, if there's any discharge at her vent area etc. If all looks ok then I'd make sure she has free choice access to oyster shell and is on a layer feed and just let her do her thing. Longer periods on the nest usually means that broodiness is setting in with my Hens. Most likely the deep horsey laugh you hear is her "I laid an egg call" (some call it the egg song)... it is a long drawn out several syllable call they make as they are laying their egg, but sometimes my Hens will do it before they actually lay their egg. I am not sure if it's related to any pain or strain when they are pushing or trying to push the egg out, or if they are announcing to the flock that they just laid an egg, but it is normal to hear it a lot during laying season around here. Not all of my Hens make the call when they lay tho, some are very sneaky and secretive, lol... (they have figured out when I hear that call I come collect their eggs).
On an off-note... I heard one of my Hens make that call last evening, and they've all stopped laying as of several weeks ago
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She is still laying, her one egg a day. I'll just keep an eye on her. I do have oyster shell available, and her eggs do have tough shells. I have gotten two double yoked eggs from her. I was wondering, is that normal in guineas, and if you were incubating those eggs, do you think they would hatch and be twins, or not hatch? Just curious.....
(Thanks for the reply)
I get a few double yolkers each season, but not many. Usually from young Hens that haven't quite gotten into their laying full swing. I usually boil them and eat them tho... I've only ever incubated one. It did start to develop (2 embryos) but both embryos ended up quitting after a couple weeks of incubation. 1st one, then the other a few days later. I have seen pics of double yolker chicken eggs that hatch... sometimes 2 normal chicks, sometimes one normal chick and one deformed chick, sometimes 2 deformed chicks, even conjoined chicks. I have never seen any pics of 2 chicks successfully hatched from double yolker Guinea eggs but I'm sure it's possible, just not that common.

I decided not to risk it anymore and just eat the extra delicious rich eggs


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