trouble with introducing new pullets

Thank you Drumstick Diva. You are right about using the search to find answers. Trouble is there must be well not sure how many but there are many. I picked one and added a little of another.

I get from what I am reading is I might not have given it enough time. Worried about my girls and didn't give what was a natural happening ....happen.

Another thing learned!!!

This is not the picture I wanted to post yesterday and couldn't for some reason but this one is better.

If you look just above the RIR's head you will see a gray piece of wood with a square hole cut in it. That is where the 3 Delawares could/can get out/in of their cage which is on the other side of the water they all share. One of my last post mentioned I put them back in their cage...... well went out this morning and they were out with the big girls again.
I will just stay back and watch now.

By the way the 3 D's were fitting pretty tight in that opening. I may have to give them another itsy bit.
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Just an update on my situation here. Although all the girls are together and there is no blood or feather loss, there still is trouble from what I can see. The 3 Del's are always together and it almost appears that one of the RIR's are standing guard to keep them away from food and water. Could be imagining this also. I don't think she, the RIR, is the head pecker either. I think the main gal is one of the BR.

I make it a point to go out several times a day to see just whats going on. I also go into their area and the older girls follow me because they think it is treat time. While I'm doing that it opens the way for the 3 D's to make a run for the food and water. I stay there until they seem to be filled up and then go about my business.

It seems to me I've given this plenty of time to play out, and really don't see it getting better. I have one of the old big coops that many farms had back in the day, should I just plan on these 3 will never be excepted and plan on putting them in there own area?

That being asked, I also am OK with leaving them running for their lives. They seem healthy, so I think they do get to the food and water. I am sure it will get better once the snow is gone and they come back out every day. Which I open their door every day unless there is a stiff north wind, just in case they do want to go out.

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