Trouble with Muscovy Drakes - Plus Runner duck died? :(


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
I am posting two concerns in one thread, I hope that's okay!

Background info - we started with 3 Pekin ducklings about 2 years ago, then added a Runner Duck (all females).
Last fall we rescued an abandoned wood duckling and to keep him company I added 2 ducklings - they were Muscovies, the only ducklings I could find available at the time. Well the Wood Duck flew away (very sad day....I pray he/she is living a happy life in the wild somewhere!) and the 2 Muscovies turned out to be Drakes. When they grew and we introduced them to our adult female ducks, they did what males do, and started mating them. From what I have read, drakes can be pretty rough and force mating, and to me it seems stressful when it happens because the females run around quacking until they get caught and then just let the males do their business. They aren't getting their feathers pulled out or seem to be getting hurt though, so is this normal/okay?? When they aren't being forcefully mated they do lay down and relax with the drakes close by.

The grey Muscvoy drake has decided that he's top drake, and he is picking on the black Muscovy drake. I've noticed he has some of his feathers pulled out and I see the grey drake chasing him around and the black Muscovy spends a lot of time in the coop, because he's chased in there. He also roosts with the chickens (our chickens and ducks share a large coop) at night and the grey drake nests on the floor with the females. What would you do? Rehome one male? Both males? Get more females so there is a better female to male ratio? Separating them isn't an option, and I am very scared at what the fate of rehoming them would be. If I could find a good home I'd be thrilled but I don't know if I can...

Also, last week we found our Runner duck female dead in the coop. Very sad. There were no signs of trauma or injury or disease. I believe she was 3-4 years old at the oldest , so I know it wasn't old age. No one else seems sick. Any ideas?

I just want to make sure all my ducks are happy and healthy! Thank you!
Forgot to mention - I've seen a little blood on the roost and I thought it was from a chicken until I noticed that's where the black muscovy sleeps at night. I just went out to give treats and noticed he had a little limp. I couldn't explore much because I'm home by myself with my baby. I don't know if the other duck has hurt him, or if he has a foot issue (bumble foot maybe?) I'm not sure how to go about figuring it out either since I'm a little scared to catch him with his huge claws....
Sounds like you need a human to help with the ducks. The limping duck needs to be examined and treated. A necropsy is the way to be sure what happened to the Runner. It could have been egg yolk peritonitis, or a dozen other things.
I will catch the duck and examine him when my husband is able to help, hopefully tonight. He works very late so it's been a struggle. And I have a baby so I haven't been able to do much on my own without him.
Any thoughts on what to do with the two males though? After the one is treated for whatever is causing the limp.
Ok I went out to the coop with my husband after I got the kids in bed, and sure enough my poor drake has bumble foot. I am going to research how to take care of it now. I feel so bad :(
We had 4 hens and 2 drakes. We rehomed one drake to a wonderful family as they were beginning to fight and 4 hens is not nearly enough for 2 drakes. Breeding is barbaric between muscovys it either looks like they are being drown or getting their necks broken i could not subject my girls to this so one had to go.
I have a grandson who spends too much time with grandma and grandpa (i love every minute) so he has been going out to do chores with me since he was a month old, sometims in a baby seat, stroller, or now just free ranging amongst the animals. Did he get dirty? Oh yes he did. Did he put things in his mouth he shouldn't? Oh yes. Does he get colds or flu's? No. I attribute this to exposure to germs, the same germs i was introduced to when i was a baby and my morher had no choice but to bundle us up and do chores with us in tow. Now i call my 18 month old grandson the animal whisperer as he has a bond with most of our animals especially the pot bellied pigs, he even kisses them. So maybe when your baby is a bit older he/she will also get the wonderful experiences of tge farm. Good luck
I would love to find a good home for one of my drakes. I am on the search. I just know most people in the area would want him for dinner and I am not a fan of that idea ;)
Oh I am definitely not opposed to my little guy getting dirty and enjoying the farm life! It has been cold, rainy, windy, etc here but on the nicer days he's been outside with me. I just couldn't figure out how to catch a clawed giant Muscovy drake by myself with a baby in tow ;) My 6 year old daughter is quite the little farm girl and she loves coming outside to help us do chores. She doesn't want to see one of our Muscovy's go but I have her convinced that if we find a good home it would be for the best.
I would love to find a good home for one of my drakes. I am on the search. I just know most people in the area would want him for dinner and I am not a fan of that idea ;)
Oh I am definitely not opposed to my little guy getting dirty and enjoying the farm life! It has been cold, rainy, windy, etc here but on the nicer days he's been outside with me. I just couldn't figure out how to catch a clawed giant Muscovy drake by myself with a baby in tow ;) My 6 year old daughter is quite the little farm girl and she loves coming outside to help us do chores. She doesn't want to see one of our Muscovy's go but I have her convinced that if we find a good home it would be for the best.
You could put him on the rehoming thread here on BYC. I just rehomed 2 drakes since I had 4 and the fighting was getting out of hand I used the newsletter that our Electric co op sends out you can post ads in it. Found 2 great homes. and I put not for food.
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