Trouble with new chickens


11 Years
Jan 19, 2009
Sequim, WA
I just brought home 3 Dominique pullets Saturday and while I realize it takes time for any new chickens to be accepted by an existing flock, but today the 3 new birds are still being chased around. They stay in the coop in a nest box and don't go out much due to all of the chasing around. What can I do??? TIA

First off, anytime you bring new birds home you should quarantine them for 4 weeks that way if they are carrier of disease then 4 weeks gives you enough time to find that out and not spread that to your existing flock.

It takes time for birds to establish a pecking order. I usually keep mine in a large wire dog kennel in the coop or in an attached run letting them see the other birds but not allowing contact. This is after their quarantine period is up.

They will eventually get use to eachother or the weaker will suffer and you'll know.

Good Luck.
I was not aware that I needed to quarantine new chickens. I guess I will need to bear that in mind for when I get some new chickens in a month or so...

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