Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

Ahsoka is about to die guys.... Shes sitting in Esther's hands right now on her side. :/
Not Smalls. ;)
Oh no!!!!! :hit I'm so sorry! :hugs

How many were there total? Do you know what went wrong? How far along are they, and they were shipped right?
They are on day four, so far enough along to tell without a doubt. There were 37 eggs, and I'd spent $90 on them. They seemed to be packaged well, but all of them had wobbly air cells. They came from Texas, so that might be an issue, I just don't know. I know I'm crushed to pieces.
That really stinks, Cuz. :hugs I'm so sorry to hear that- I know how much they meant to you. :hit
But I'm glad you're back! :yesss:
Thanks, Sarah. :hugs And the worst part is, my mom won't let me get more. I MIGHT have a chance at getting some from My Pet Chicken, but that will be at least September, and $208 for 8 pullets.
They are on day four, so far enough along to tell without a doubt. There were 37 eggs, and I'd spent $90 on them. They seemed to be packaged well, but all of them had wobbly air cells. They came from Texas, so that might be an issue, I just don't know. I know I'm crushed to pieces.

Thanks, Sarah. :hugs And the worst part is, my mom won't let me get more. I MIGHT have a chance at getting some from My Pet Chicken, but that will be at least September, and $208 for 8 pullets.
Have ypou called the breeder and asked if they'll give you any compensation? Most won't for hatching eggs, but still worth a shot.

I just realized that did not sound sensitive.
XDXDXD lol :p
Did you see the pic of Smalls? :hit
Oh my goodness poor Ahsoka is fighting so hard. :hit
Have ypou called the breeder and asked if they'll give you any compensation? Most won't for hatching eggs, but still worth a shot.

XDXDXD lol :p
Did you see the pic of Smalls? :hit
Oh my goodness poor Ahsoka is fighting so hard. :hit

I haven't yet, but I probably will. I'll probably leave negative feedback is she refuses. I got them off eBay. So. Upset.
Have ypou called the breeder and asked if they'll give you any compensation? Most won't for hatching eggs, but still worth a shot.

XDXDXD lol :p
Did you see the pic of Smalls? :hit
Oh my goodness poor Ahsoka is fighting so hard. :hit

I'm really sorry. :hugs I don't know much about baby rabbit care I usually leave that to mama. Are they constipated?

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