Truth or Myth about ducks??


5 Years
Mar 8, 2014
peace, hope and country
I was thinking about getting ducks but I was told a few things by a duck owner (they had turkeys and chickens too)
1. Duck eggs are oily
2. Duck meat is oily
3. They are very dirty

The biggest pro I was told is
1. They are the best at eating slugs

Finally I would like to ask
what do you love most about your ducks??

I live in a very rainy part of the state so I am guessing it would be easier in ways to keep ducks because they seem to be hardier in the rain.

I am not posting this to offend anyone I am honestly looking for real info from multiple duck owners not just info from one owner. Thank You!!
My two ducks loved the rain! Instead of going undercover they would stand out in it with their heads against their backs, cute!! And I love that they CHASE BUTTERFLIES! My deceased duck did it all day! She would spread her wings out and run after them with her beak wide open, so funny!!!! And I like how every time I let them out of their dog crate in the morning they flap their wings seven or eight times, and they eat all the bugs around them so I don't have to worry about spiders! Eeeeek!!

Yes they are VERY messy! But it's a mess you'll learn to love!
My two ducks loved the rain! Instead of going undercover they would stand out in it with their heads against their backs, cute!! And I love that they CHASE BUTTERFLIES! My deceased duck did it all day! She would spread her wings out and run after them with her beak wide open, so funny!!!! And I like how every time I let them out of their dog crate in the morning they flap their wings seven or eight times, and they eat all the bugs around them so I don't have to worry about spiders! Eeeeek!!

Yes they are VERY messy! But it's a mess you'll learn to love!
Awwww!! Thank you for your reply! Chickens create a lot of mess so far but I do love them even with the extra work. I had chickens when I was young so they are easy for me because I took care of them even when they pecked me in the eyes. lol.

I think ducks would love our yard because we have flowers that bring in the butterflies! That is so cute. We also have a ton of little spiders in our back field they would love if they like spiders so much!! That is a huge plus!!
Aha one time a spider was on my leg and Toaster my Pekin snapped it up I was SO PROUD of him! You'll love ducks! And they usually don't peck your eyes! Eeeeep!
LOL!! I have no clue what kind of hens they were when I was little but I loved them and wanted to carry them everywhere. I would run away crying and then be back in a few mins to pick them up again. haha I was sure to pick chickens that are calmer this time because I have little kids.
It sounds like ducks would be a good fit for us. I need to start researching what they need. What would you recommend breed wise for a starter. Our local farm stores carry ducks. I have no clue what kind. I will be taking a lot of time to study. We have to get our chicks full grown and set first. We get lots of ground water and rain here so I am assuming it won't be too difficult to make a happy little place for a couple of ducks.
Well Pekin ducks are a good starter breed! They're pretty slow so easy to catch, they're calmer than a lot of other breeds and friendlier! And they lay a pretty decent amount of eggs, not as much as a Khaki Campbell but it'll do! Feed stores usually carry them, they're the yellow ducklings and the turn into the Aflac duck!!! Here is a link to some basics of raising ducklings!!
Point #3 is true, somewhat. Ducks will make a mess if they can. Ducks are usually happiest if they have access to standing water. However, if you put a little pool in the center of an area of large drainage rock, then they can't really make much of a mess. When it rains, they love to make little holes in the lawn with their beaks, but if you give them enough area, they won't do too much damage.

The first two points seem very odd to me. I don't know how an egg could be "oily". Personally, I don't really notice much difference between chicken and duck eggs other than size. And I've never thought the eggs were "oily". I've heard the comment before about the meat being greasy or oily, but again I've never felt that. And I've eaten a lot of duck meat because my family loves it so much. It definitely is different than chicken, more like red meat I would say. The only problem I've had with it is it tends to get tough easily, so you have to be careful when cooking it. But I have made duck fajitas and duck jerky that were amazingly delicious so I would have to disagree with those that don't like duck meat.

Finally, as far as what to have in the backyard I've gone back and forth thinking about having only ducks, or only chickens, but they both have their advantages. So if you have the room, my recommendation is both.
Point #3 is true, somewhat. Ducks will make a mess if they can. Ducks are usually happiest if they have access to standing water. However, if you put a little pool in the center of an area of large drainage rock, then they can't really make much of a mess. When it rains, they love to make little holes in the lawn with their beaks, but if you give them enough area, they won't do too much damage.

The first two points seem very odd to me. I don't know how an egg could be "oily". Personally, I don't really notice much difference between chicken and duck eggs other than size. And I've never thought the eggs were "oily". I've heard the comment before about the meat being greasy or oily, but again I've never felt that. And I've eaten a lot of duck meat because my family loves it so much. It definitely is different than chicken, more like red meat I would say. The only problem I've had with it is it tends to get tough easily, so you have to be careful when cooking it. But I have made duck fajitas and duck jerky that were amazingly delicious so I would have to disagree with those that don't like duck meat.

Finally, as far as what to have in the backyard I've gone back and forth thinking about having only ducks, or only chickens, but they both have their advantages. So if you have the room, my recommendation is both.

We have a back field that we would have room for them in if they want to dig things up plus a few other options we could put them with the drainage rock. Our back field has standing water at the end of it also. Seems we have a place ducks would really like!!

I thought it was odd. I thought I was told oily maybe she meant greasy or fatty. But that is still odd for eggs. We will have to try some duck eggs. If we don't like them our dogs will eat anything. When you talk about the meat drying out, that makes me think it is easiest to cook it long and on low to not dry it out. Is that true? I make very moist meats by cooking them long and on low. Duck Jerky sounds good! I love Jerky!
Thank you so much! Awesome info!
eggsellentfarms: Yes! Someone else who noticed the ducks make little holes in the yard after rain! I thought that was so cool!

My ducks eggs have much larger yolks than chicken eggs and are harder to crack. Other than that, pretty much they're like chicken eggs, only larger. I use them in baking and eat them.

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