Trying to confirm a dozen chick’s breeds


Dec 15, 2017
Simla, CO
I plotted and got myself a dozen chicks that I’m hoping are all different breeds (except one). Unfortunately some are super similar and I think I just have to be patient and wait it out to see who develops which breed traits as they’re so similar as chicks.
Here is my graphic of which chicks I ordered: 1 each of each blue mark, then 5 of a combo of the purple marks (there’s only 4 breeds so that means at least one duplicate, possibly more)

here’s a pic of the little floofs that I numbered

I’m reasonably sure on the 4 with breeds labeled.
Then 1,2,3 are so similar that I’m not sure I have any hope of telling which is which, but they should be an australorp, a silver cuckoo Marans, and a Dominique.

4,5,6 are all gray, but 4 is darker than the other 2 leading me to hope it is a cuckoo bluebar, and the other 2 are blue EEs. (This is the darker one of the 3 yesterday

7&8 are similar too, but one has a black dot on its head and the other has no dots but almost yellow on its I am very hopeful that 7 is a snowy Easter egger, and 8 is a super blue egg layer.

thoughts? How did I do? I can get better pics of the black ones if anyone wants to take a stab at helping me figure them out.
Does the beautiful chick in the last picture have feathered feet? Just curious.
I'm loving the look of the Buckeye! Really cute!
No, she is kind of settled in my hand making it look like it though so I can see why you ask. Out of these only one has feathered legs and that’s the buff Brahma. They are all just so darn cute at this age! (Then they are gangly awkward teens before they are beautiful lol)
Sorry I can't help with breed confirmation...I'm terrible with this, and I'm actually just here to gaze at chick photos and wish I was able to have some this year 🤣 have fun with your new chickens.
No problem! Here’s another one! I just adore the little fluffy cheeks on Easter eggers. This one is either #5 or #6 in the pic in the original post, which I am assuming is a blue Easter egger, pretty much confirmed today by these tiny little cheek poofs!

So cute! Beautiful eyes! And those cheeks 🤣😍
I really want to try and get some different breeds next time I can get chicks. I've mainly had buff Orpingtons, and there are so many cool looking chicks out there. Buff Orpingtons are nice though.
Unfortunately I can't get chicks this year because we have two boys and we can't have any more. And I have a weakness, and have never been able to get rid of a rooster.
I got 3 boys out of 7 chicks last year. Though those were from a farm store and I got some wrong breeds etc so hopefully this set will be better. I’m really hoping that we only get 1 boy if any, but we will see!

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