Trying to introduce pullets into coop


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
Centennial Colorado
I have a small coop with two old hens and i have two other pullets that are about 10 weeks old and i need to know how to introduce them. I have let them roam free with each other in the backyard and they seem fine but when i put them in the coop they get attacked by the older ones. It is not just pecking order type of attack it is trying to kill type of attack. What should I do?
I am in a somewhat similar situation so I thought I would share what we are doing. I have 3 older hens and 3 10 weekers. They have been roaming together for weeks now in the backyard and I have 1 older hen who just will not leave the babies alone. They manage to mostly avoid each other in the backyard or the babies try to stay out of her way so it has not been a big problem.

Well, we put them together in the run today for the first time and that hen was relentless! She was out for blood, cornering the babies and pulling lots of feathers out. I popped her into the coop for a couple of hours as a bit of a time out. We have a chicken wire screen that goes over the pop door so she get some light/fresh air. When I let her out she was well behaved for several hours (though I had been weeding and they had the spoils of those to dig around it for a good distraction) but she eventually started up again. So, tonight? She is in the bunny cage where the babies had been sleeping. The babies are in the big girl coop and neither of the other 2 hens have othered them other than an occasional 'get out of my way' sort of peck.

I am planning to get everyone back in to the run in the morning and go from there.

So. A long winded way of saying, if there is an instigator perhaps separating her for a bit might ease the transition? At least that is what I am hoping works.

Otherwise I'll have my own post up tomorrow!!
The best way, and only way that has ever worked for me in 40+ years, is to put the babies in a separate space inside the coop that allows the older hens to see them, but not be able to get to them. Also this gives the younger ones an escape if they need it. After about a week or so let them out together. Just open up the door to the rest of the coop and allow the younger ones to mingle out as they feel comfortable. It may take a couple days before they go outside, but that's alright. By this time the older ones know that they are not intruders and shouldn't be so aggressive. There will be some stress while they work out the pecking order, but they shouldn't be trying to kill them any more. Also the younger ones will stick to themselves for a while but in time they will integrate and learn to get along. However, if your coop is too small this won't work because there has to be a place for the younger ones to go if they need to get away from the older hens.
Thought I'd update you on our progress from my response yesterday.

I kept the instigator of trouble in the bunny cage from last night around 7pm until today around noon. The 2 older hens did not even give the babies a glance all evening. After I let the troublemaker back in the run it has gone really well! I kept them all in the run together for several hours and there was not so much as a peck. The babies keep to themselves for the most part and seem to stay away from the big girls. They have been free ranging together for the last couple of hours with no problem. I am going to put everyone back in the run in a bit and will hope for the best.

I do think letting them out today might set us back a step since the babies mostly hung out in the run so they have not seen much of one another.


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