Trying to make butter

I used a carton of heavy cream instead of milk.
The problem with milk from the store is it has already been homogenized or something. I tired that before and it didnt work. With the heavy cream (make sure it does not say ultra pasteurized) i shook it about 3-5 minutes to get whipped cream. I shook it about 10 more minutes to get a hunk of butter floating in milk in the jar.

If I had known it was going to work and get hard after i put it in the fridge, I would have added salt and stirred it in for nice salted butter.
I use the mixer, too. My friend uses the blender but I haven't been able to get that to work. It won't separate for me in there. Do you all refrigerate it after you make it? It always gets too hard then to spread but I'm wondering how long you can let it out without it going bad?
I remember shaking fresh cream in a quart jar and making butter. It took a long time. Several years ago I got the idea to try and use a blender on lowest speed, and yep it sure worked in much less time. I always heard you had to use high fat raw milk to get yellow butter . If you use milk from cows like Holestine then the butter is much whiter. Don't know how true that is though. Sure wish I had some !!! Yum.
Thanks for the tips...

I'll get some Heavy Cream that is not Ultra Pasteurized and give it a go. I may go with the low speed blinder and see what happens.

I miss fresh milk from a pickle jar! I didn't appreciate it as much a kid. I wish I knew someone with a milking cow!

Thanks again!
try making it with heavy whipping cream. Fill a pint jar half full, and shake it until it sounds different. You'll know when it's done. the liquid I use when making pancakes. just use that inplace of the liquid in the mix.

add salt to the butter when it is done, and mix well. salt is supposed to help it keep longer.

Dixygirl, try a little cinnamon with your sweet butter. like cinnamon toast butter. I also like to add fresh herbs with a little lemon juice, to keep them from browning. Garlic and lemon pepper,
and garlic, thyme and basil was my favs.

I don't think it's too yellow, but goat milk butter is super white. I heard you can make it in a blender or a food processor, but i never tried it. I'll have to.

fun for the kids too. A rainy day project!!
big_smile.png I see someone already mentioned that if you use RAW milk you will be able to get butter....

When you get raw milk it has not been pasturized (which is actually healthier for you in reality because pasturized milk loses all it's vitamins)....anyway, the cream in raw milk separates and rises to the skim that off into a bowl and whip it up...ect....

I'm sure MissPrissy's recipe is terrific...cause let's face it...the Lady knows her stuff....

But what I wanted to add was if you want to make butter spreadable what you have to do is take the butter in a bowl and let it soften...for every 8oz (which is two sticks if you're using bought butter) you need to add one cup of oil.
I like canola oil...but depending on your tastes...any oil will work.
Blend this all together until it is smooth and you don't see any separation of the oil and butter. Now put it in the fridge and in about 3 hrs you will have spreadable butter.

edited to add: You could also pour this into molds and then set in fridge if you wanted cute shapes for holidays and what not.....
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