TSC BANTAM- NEW PICS page 4 post 38- GENDER??

I'm guessing it's a golden sebright. Hatcherey chicks don't nessicarily meet breed standards. You can get a Wyandotte with a single comb or a dUccle with out a beard. Im sure you could easily find a Sebright with a single comb!
I'm guessing it's a golden sebright. Hatcherey chicks don't nessicarily meet breed standards. You can get a Wyandotte with a single comb or a dUccle with out a beard. Im sure you could easily find a Sebright with a single comb!
Yes! My banty partridge Wyandotte (one, anyway) has a single comb. I've been baffled by this. Anyway, sorry to get off-topic.
I saw one of these in a bantam mix from Ideal at my local feed store. I couldn't figure out what that one was, either. It looked just like this. I almost bought it just for the unique, red color.
I saw one of these in a bantam mix from Ideal at my local feed store. I couldn't figure out what that one was, either. It looked just like this. I almost bought it just for the unique, red color.
i really want to know what it is. lol its soo slow at getting its feathers in. its feathers havent grown any from when i took the pics. Ill post pics as it develops more. Hopfully we can figure out what it is
I got Partidge Plymouth Rocks from TSc this year, not bantams though, and they looked quite similar in coloring/shading. Mine also feathered out slower than the other chicks I picked up at the same time. The wing tip feathers on yours look a lot like mine, yours is a bit lighter perhaps, but the fringy look with the black looks the same. I think someone else mentioned Partridge Bantam earlier.

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