TSC bin mixup

There are muffless EEs. I happen to have one
There's really no telling until she lays an egg as the only real measure is possession of the blue shell gene.

Yes I know :) I already wrote that I had two like that. I sold them though, since I prefer muffs, but they did lay blue eggs (the seller sent me pictures). They did both end up with green legs.
PS none of my EEs from Murray MCmurray has puffy checks and one even started out with orange legs!

ETA Oh yeah, this has a straight comb.
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Tetratint? Amberlink? I think the legs are too thin for cornish.

ETA: After closer inspection of the feathers, I think it IS an EE. Just an unusual one. There is one pic that picks up the color as a very light splash or maybe porcelain and I really don't know what else it could be. None of the hybrid layers are colored like that and definitely not a cornish. My very light EE had bright yellow legs with just a hint of tint when I got her. Her legs are currently lime green.

Alright you get the prize in this one. It is actually one of my amberlink pullets lol. In my defense, I have about 80 chicks in 3 different brooders, none are banded or marked. So my next post will be pictures of my actual mystery chick, which I swear just developed all this color because I could not pick him out from the amber links just a few days ago.

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