
Jul 31, 2021
United States
So I bought a bunch of chickens from TSC and I began researching the breeds only to find that pictures online look nothing like what I bought. Can anyone help me identify these breeds?

Comb Type: Pea

Color: Black and white (Feathers coming in black)

Leg Color: Black with pink feet

Temperament: Fearless/agressive (one of them flogged my phone while taking pictures)

Sold as: not labeled


Comb Type: Pea

Color: Brown and white (Feathers coming in brown and black)

Leg Color: pink/brown

Temperament: skittish and very food motivated

Sold as: not labeled


(I'm pretty sure this is a Cornish Cross)
Comb Type: single

Color: yellow (Feathers coming in white)

Leg Color: orange

Temperament: lazy and very food motivated

Sold as: Barred Rock


Comb Type: Pea

Color: Brown I guess? Just look at the picture lol

Leg Color: green

Temperament: bossy

Sold as: Ameraucana


(Looks like a Wyandotte maybe?)
Comb Type: pea or rose it won't let me catch it

Color: idk what to call that

Leg Color: orange

Temperament: skittish

Sold as: Barred Rock


(I think TSC is right for this one)
Comb Type: rose

Color: Black and white (Feathers coming in Barred)

Leg Color: orange

Temperament: idk I just bought them

Sold as: Dominique


(The chick in the middle)
Comb Type: rose

Color: ???

Leg Color: orange

Temperament: bossy

Sold as: Blue Laced Wyndotte

I'll post more in the morning, it's too dark to get good pictures now.
(The chick in the middle)
Comb Type: rose

Color: ???

Leg Color: orange

Temperament: bossy

Sold as: Blue Laced Wyndotte

I'll post more in the morning, it's too dark to get good pictures now.
Perhaps a mix of some sort? Looking at pictures of Silver Laced Wyandotte chicklings, I would say it definitely contains that.
If it were a pure Blue Wyandotte, it would be mainly blue, none of those intricate facial markings, and I have a BW (Blue Wyandotte).
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Perhaps a mix of some sort? Looking at pictures of Silver Laced Wyandotte chicklings, I would say it definitely contains that.
If it were a pure Blue Wyandotte, it would be mainly blue, none of those intricate facial markings, and I have a BW (Blue Wyandotte).
It might just be really low quality, Tractor Supply doesn't usually sell mixes but it's definitely possible.
If your feed store keeps the chicks in open-topped bins rather than closed cages it's not necessarily the store's fault when they get mixed.

At my local feed store I was hanging out watching chicks and saw one hop up to the top edge, balance there for a moment, then jump down into the next bin. So, in that store at least, the chicks were mixing themselves without help from either careless employees or careless customers. :D
If your feed store keeps the chicks in open-topped bins rather than closed cages it's not necessarily the store's fault when they get mixed.

At my local feed store I was hanging out watching chicks and saw one hop up to the top edge, balance there for a moment, then jump down into the next bin. So, in that store at least, the chicks were mixing themselves without help from either careless employees or careless customers. :D
All the bins have chicken wire frames over them, I wonder if thats the reason they put lids on them in the first place....

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