Tucson chicken mama - The challenges of desert chicken survival


Dec 19, 2020
Hey ! I'm a chicken mama to 10 total hens . 8 are laying (2 ISA Browns, 3 Australorps, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Easter Egger) and two other Easter Eggers not quite ready to lay yet. I started with chicks last spring when COVID hit and we were home so much more.
It has been a challenge with predators. We live on the Westside of Tucson Arizona with 3 acres surrounded by wash and desert. So far I've lost 7 total chickens to various predators. Our dogs got two when we first started having chickens (since then - they've grown indifferent to the chickens) Hawks have taken at least 4 right out of the yard, we had a coyote jump our 6 ft fence and take 2 while we were all home with patio doors open and 1 of our largest hens and double yolk layer, "White Tailed Cheepy," was mysteriously gone in a split second from the yard. I watched a bobcat jump in the yard (fortunately she was chased out) and one of my hens was bit by a rattlesnake last year (survived). However, since keeping my Australian Cattle Dog out when we're not home has prevented death for the last two months. Most of my days are spent worrying about predators and chicken keeping is not as relaxing as it was in the beginning. I feel worried to even take my dogs out for a walk during the day. Our coop isn't big enough to just lock the girls up in most of the time and they love to roam our very large yard. And some are always trying to come in the house. Building and digging in the desert soil is a challenge and expensive.
So, it has been a challenge, but I love them and have learned so much reading books and reading on this forum. I feel like I've done well, but want to improve my caretaking and learn how to build a sizable run and have things ready for the heat of the summer. I spent a lot of time outside last year spraying off the dirt.

I'm very interested in the best techniques for keeping chickens in the desert. I like the coop we bought , but there are many things I don't like that I would like to improve upon for desert life and predators and heat. My chickens free range from the time they're let out in the morning until dark. I'm wanting some help on best practices , particularly with coop design, placement of coop, how to dig and make things work with soil that isn't the easiest to dig , but other desert creatures seem to have no problem.

The electric fence is my best predator preventative for the four legged predators. A covered run works great for winged predators.

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