Tumor or Mass??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 3, 2013
Northern California
I went out to find my poor little Golden Sebright with this "mass" on the side of her head. Any one have an idea what this is?? She acts normal and healthy... running arround, flying, eating, drinking all like she normally does. I can't say for sure she didn't have it yesterday but I didn't notice it and she for sure didn't have it the day before. Any input....?? Thanks
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I have just a simple chicken. She has one right below her eye :( it was soft now its hard as a rock! Everyone keeps telling me just to kill her. This would only be a last resort in this household. I can't find anything! Mine acts fine as well but she is having trouble seeing out of that eye at times and looks miserable :( her sister has begun laying and is much bigger. Have you found anything out? I'm desperate! I am new to this and didn't see any comments posted
I haven't found any more info on this. I'm not sure what to do. Killing her is a last resort for me as well... Expecially since she seems perfectly fine and doesn't appear to have any discomfort. Good luck with yours
Does the mass feel soft like it has fluid inside it, or is it firm or even hard? Could she have been stung by something, or pecked in the head? Are there any marks? What does the other side of her head look like?
We lanced Anna and she is on Antibiotics and it is improving! :( Hers was soft then hard now is back to soft. I hope yours does better as well <3 Am praying for her
I went out to find my poor little Golden Sebright with this "mass" on the side of her head. Any one have an idea what this is?? She acts normal and healthy... running arround, flying, eating, drinking all like she normally does. I can't say for sure she didn't have it yesterday but I didn't notice it and she for sure didn't have it the day before. Any input....?? Thanks
Bee sting, maybe? I'm not sure. I would recommend taking her to a veterinarian. Hope she gets well!

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