Tumour identification and treatment?


Nov 23, 2017
Kimberley, Western Australia
DISCLAIMER: Alright so I know that tumours are pretty much incurable. Probably, the most humane thing for me to do is put my hen down, but I’m finding that very difficult when she’s still so lively, so I want to explore every one of my options to make her last days as comfortable as possible. I do not need berating for this decision. Please trust that I know my hen better than you do. I will reconsider my stance if her condition changes.

Could anyone help me identify a tumour on my chicken? I’ve done a little bit of reading myself, but quickly have become overwhelmed, so I was hoping to find some information here.

Legs is a lavender arucana cross, about six years old. She hasn’t laid in about three years, which is perfectly fine for her breed and our climate. Otherwise lively and healthy. Her sister died from the effects of liver failure last year (had fluid building up in her abdomen), and we started to notice the same in Legs. Perhaps I could have handled this better, but I procrastinated getting her abdomen drained because honestly, I thought she would die first before it became an issue. In her sister, she lost weight at the same rate as she gained fluid, so by the time the fluid was too much, she was already too ill anyway.

This week the weight of her abdomen became too much, and she stopped walking. Well, she tries her best, but it’s not great.

Note that she’s otherwise completely healthy (at least until this week). Nice red comb, healthy weight, good appetite, no lethargy.

Made the decision to drain some of the fluid myself, and found that after a short while, the liquid coming out was gradually becoming darker, and I didn’t know what this meant, so I took her to the vet. Better safe than sorry!

The vet explained that the darkness was probably just because I was reaching the bottom of the pockets of fluid, which was where blood tended to pool. Perfectly expected, in other words. The vet drained some more liquid, and under the layer of liquid we found a large mass, most likely a tumour. We can’t confirm this, but it seems most likely. I’d love some more opinions, if anybody has any.

So in the end, her whole abdomen wasn’t filled with liver fluid, but mostly a mass, and the fluid was hiding it.

The mass is huge, and she still can hardly walk. It protrudes from her back end, about the size of a grapefruit. Getting rid of the fluid has helped a bit, but she’s lost a lot of weight this week because, well, she can‘t move, so she can’t balance anymore.

Are there any treatments that I can try on her, as a short term solution until she passes (which I suspect will be soon anyway)? Surgery is out of the question. Anything to help reducing inflammation, if she has any, and pain management? Literally anything you’ve got– herbal/organic, proven, non-proven.

Currently, I’m supplementing her with oregano, tumeric, apple cider vinegar, and electrolytes in her water.
Thanks all xxxx
I don't know enough to give any answers, but wanted to say I hear you on wanting to do everything possible to help. She's a lucky hen to have someone who loves her so much.

Whatever the outcome, she sounds like she happy and comfortable. Good luck :hugs

Anecdotally I use fish oil for my arthritic dogs. I don't know how practical that is for a chicken, but Omega 3s in high enough levels can help with inflammation. Flax is a non-animal source of Omega 3s.

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