Turken SOP- which one's closer?

Oncoming Storm

5 Years
Jun 3, 2019
I have two red Turken roosters and I would like to rehome one. However, I’m curious about the Turken SOP and where my boys sit on the scale.

This is Dusty. He has more red saddle feathers and neck fluff.

This is Rusty. He has more orangish saddle feathers and like no neck fluff.
In theory, who would be the best show bird?
The first one. Standard Naked Necks need full bowties, bantams need a bare neck
No, bow ties and bare necks are acceptable for both.

Both handsome birds, but both have tails edging on squirrel tails, and a squirrel tail is a disqualification. Both have very good width but need more back length. From what I can see, the first is better because of even coloring and less comb points. But if I could see the profile of the second, I would pick him instead if he had a longer back and fuller breast, which are two things the first lacks.
No, bow ties and bare necks are acceptable for both.

Both handsome birds, but both have tails edging on squirrel tails, and a squirrel tail is a disqualification. Both have very good width but need more back length. From what I can see, the first is better because of even coloring and less comb points. But if I could see the profile of the second, I would pick him instead if he had a longer back and fuller breast, which are two things the first lacks.
Huh. I guess you're right. I though it was specific because the illustrations. The standards all had a bowtie and the bantams didn't
In theory, who would be the best show bird?
Those are handsome hatchery quality boys. :love

Do you happen to have a copy of the SOP? Find one and get familiar with it.. it's your friend.. the more birds you look at the more your eye will be trained to see things that just don't fit. Visit some breeder club websites and such.. the focused information received from those can be at times superior to the basic stuff here on BYC. A basic description of the breed. But a copy of SOP is likely more detailed.
https://www.roysfarm.com/naked-neck... recognized by,breed also has bantam versions.

As Amer stated.. there are many things.. like comb points that should be considered. Sometimes the # but also the separation. They stated the more important factors like body type and depth.. I'm just adding in little things for you to look at and grow a more discerning eye as well as continuing to hone my own skill.. Other considerations.. are eye color, split wing, even the angle at which they hold their tail.

I like the color on number one best..

Okay.. after some research.. I just learned that squirrel tail IS part of what I'm calling how they hold it.. :pop
Huh. I guess you're right. I though it was specific because the illustrations. The standards all had a bowtie and the bantams didn't
Maybe harder to see/illustrate the bare necks on bantams with bow ties. :confused:

Most always.. the standard for bantams and standard.. that I've ever seen.. the only difference is size of body and eggs and all other factor must remain the same.. Skin color, eye color (except Welsumer bantam egg shade), feathering patterns, etc. That's kinda what makes them that breed.. I think. :)
Those are handsome hatchery quality boys. :love

Do you happen to have a copy of the SOP? Find one and get familiar with it.. it's your friend.. the more birds you look at the more your eye will be trained to see things that just don't fit. Visit some breeder club websites and such.. the focused information received from those can be at times superior to the basic stuff here on BYC. A basic description of the breed. But a copy of SOP is likely more detailed.
https://www.roysfarm.com/naked-neck... recognized by,breed also has bantam versions.

As Amer stated.. there are many things.. like comb points that should be considered. Sometimes the # but also the separation. They stated the more important factors like body type and depth.. I'm just adding in little things for you to look at and grow a more discerning eye as well as continuing to hone my own skill.. Other considerations.. are eye color, split wing, even the angle at which they hold their tail.

I like the color on number one best..

Okay.. after some research.. I just learned that squirrel tail IS part of what I'm calling how they hold it.. :pop
I do not have a copy of the SOP which is mainly why I’m asking. I don’t know where to find it. And yes, good hatchery Bois since they were purchased from TSC.

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