Turkey breathing issue


8 Years
Mar 16, 2012
Parker, CO
My Royal Palm starting having breathing issues a few days ago. I tried to look down her throat for gapeworm but didn't see anything. I did give her some ivermectin and VetRx. She seemed to be slightly better for two days but then today she is back to breathing very hard. I noticed her abdomen is very hard and hot. I don't think she's eggbound because she hasn't laid in a couple of months. Will try to post a video.
Darn, I can't get the video to download here for some reason. She basically is open mouth breathing just like the other videos I've seen here.
Yes, she's with other turkeys and chickens. None of the others are showing these symptoms. I was finally able to find some Tylan 50 last night. Hoping that will work.

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