Turkey Help photo attached


In the Brooder
Aug 26, 2020
So I have an issue with one of my male turkeys. I keep my turkeys in a turkey tractor and move them twice a day all over are 11 acres. The turkeys are about 4 1/2 to 5 months old. I have 6 males, 6 females. Also have what seems like a constant predator problem. Whether it be weasels,racoons, foxes, opossums, raptors and coyotes, we have them all trying to get my birds.I went out in the morning to get all the birds feed and fresh water, move the tractors, and I looked in the turkeys area and I saw him. Standing in the corner bleeding from the head and swollen. The other turkeys were picking at him already. I secured him to a dog cage with feed and water of his own but he will not eat nor drink. Im not sure what this is. I did see a similar thread but do not know the outcome of her turkey either. Some say this is blackhead, dry pox. But could this just be from a predator like racoon or mink that climbed the fencing, reached in while the turkeys were roosting and did the facial damage? I have sheep fencing and chicken wire/ welded wire for the turkey tractor. Any help please, thank you.

I did attach a photo. The following day the scabs are darker and dry.


  • 20200825_083653.jpg
    526.4 KB · Views: 4
This does not look at all like pox, but it does look like the pictures I've seen of turkeys with blackhead. Sorry, I wish I could be more of a help.

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