Turkey hen playing dead?


In the Brooder
Jan 17, 2021
Today I came home to my turkey hen sitting in the nesting box, motionless, her face smooshed up to the corner of the wall (I couldn’t even see her head), legs splayed out abnormally. She looked dead. I called for my husband. We cautiously approached the motionless bird. Then she blinked and we could see her breathing. We thought she must be sick, so we were going to take her to the “hospital” cage. But then she just popped up, flew away from us, and walked around totally normal. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Could it be that she was just focused on laying? Or is she sick? I’ve been watching her and she seems somewhat normal, but does seem to be pacing like she’s looking for a place to lay. Has anyone else encountered a situation like this?

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