Turkey how do you prepare yours?


11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
east freetown, ma
I'm going to brine mine and then cover it with cheesecloth soaked in a white wine and butter sauce.
And I'm going to stuff the cavity with an orange and fresh herbs.
The last hour I take the cheesecloth off to brown
Interesting !!! We put ours in one of those roasting bags, OMG makes it soooooo tender it falls right off the bone. We also get the organic turkey (about $50) they taste so much better !!
I use free turkeys and turkey breasts, use Old Bay seasoning as a rub, chill over night and deep fry it tomorrow. We always cook four whole breasts and one turkey.. Then I freeze two breast for later in the yr...Same thing for Christmas...Dixie
We always use a bag of some sort (oiled grocery or basting bag), and always overcook it a bit.
Well my beast has herbs stuffed under the skin of the breast, quartered apples and celery in the neck cavity and a few apples in the cavity. It has been lightly brushed with a combination of honey, black sesame oil and olive oil. And it will be basted with apple juice during cooking.

It is in the Oven now at 325 degrees for 1 1/2 hours and then it is covered and oven goes down to 200 degrees where it stays until it hits 180 degrees internal temp. so about 8 hours.....the last hour will be uncovered to brown the skin.
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