turkey injury help! big hole in her side :(


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
I am not new to raising poultry BUT I am new when it comes to dealing with injuries. My turkey hen has a big hole under her wing. I wouldn't have even noticed it, if she didn't think she was a male sometimes and began struting for me. Considering it is under her wing I am not sure how it happened. I am thinking it is more her doing then someone elses. She does live with my chickens and roosters along with my male turkey and other hens and a couple ducks. All my chickens are little bantams btw and I never see anyone fighting with my turkeys.... Anyways, this hole is about softball sized and the entire top layer of her skin is gone. Are there any diseases that could possibly be the cause? Next issue is flys, they are really bad right now so should I be worried about them? I know I need to seperate her and get her healed up. I was thinking of flushing with saline and then some type of ointment?? There really are no farm vets in my area so I have to deal on my own with all of your wonderful advice. Thank you!
Can you post the picture of the injury? That would help us tell how to treat it. Does it look infected (i.e. red, swollen, draining, hot)?

When treating an injured bird, 1st thing is to immediately separate them from the flock - other birds will pick at injuries.
Clean the wound very thoroughly with either saline or betadine. You can make saline solution at home, 1 teaspoon salt to 2 cups of water, boil for no less than 15 minutes. Then I pack it with Neosporin WITHOUT pain reliever.
Then, if it's a deep or large wound, administer broad-spectrum antibiotics. Tetracycline is what I normally use, it's saved several birds lives. I'm not sure about turkeys but my vet said that it was good for chickens and ducks. Whether or not you need antibiotics depends on the nature of the wound.
If, by any chance, you have a really good vet that does small animals and exotics, they may know what to do.

Here it is :(... Unfortunately she had taken a dirt bath before I noticed it, so I have alot of serious cleaning to do. I feel so bad for her, she is one of the sweetest turkeys ever and I don't want her to be in pain.
FYI, both of my turkeys got sores like that last year... best guess was that they were pressure sores from their wings rubbing on their fat bodies.


Thank you for the suggestions! I do have one fat turkey lol but this one is actually in great shape. Very happy to know she should be just fine :)
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Oh, should I give her a bath before anything else considering she was in the dirt? Lol I have been known to bath a few birds before.

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