Turkey Lurkey 1 year old


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Tucson, AZ
She just starting laying eggs a week ago. She refuses to sleep in the chicken coop, preferring instead to perch on the fence all light. It is safe but I worry about her up there.

I wouldn't consider her safe from predators. Anything can get her including Owls weasels raccoons etc, though im not sure what you have in your area. I had a young turkey that insisted on sleeping up on top of a chicken pen. I climbed up every night and got her and put her in the coop. I was very thankful when she was big enough to be penned with the adult turkeys since they are fully enclosed. I don't let any of my poultry sleep outside of a coop not since last summer when something ripped the heads off 4 off my roosters.
I live in a residential area. I have a big fence all around my yard. Although she is a sweet turkey, I cannot get to close. Only recently she lets me pet her. She was abandoned and left without food for months. Poor birdy. She is still traumatized by egg laying. :/

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