turkey orders for Thanksgiving questions...


11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
central VA
This is my first time raising turkeys, and I'm wanting to sell about 10 of them. I have questions...

*How much should I sell a butchered free range (not organic) turkey for?

*I'm thinking I ought to have people pre-order? How much of a deposit should I take?

*My turkeys are bb bronze and bb white, mostly Toms. How likely is it that they will be HUGE at almost 28 weeks? I'll be butchering the Saturday before T-day, they would be 28 weeks the Monday before T-day.

I'll prob. have more questions before I'm done LOL

Also, is this the right forum to ask meat turkey questions in, or should I ask in the Other birds, poultry, fowl forum?
*How much should I sell a butchered free range (not organic) turkey for?

Even though you may have used medicated starter and still have feed for them. SInce you are free ranging them you can call them organic. You would need to check the USDA packaging rules to make sure. Usually they are 20 to 100% more then a regualar turkey. It can be varies in for different markets around the country.

*I'm thinking I ought to have people pre-order? How much of a deposit should I take?

pre order pre payment can ranged between 30 to 60 % of the final cost. Some require the final cost be paid up front for custom grown poultry.

*My turkeys are bb bronze and bb white, mostly Toms. How likely is it that they will be HUGE at almost 28 weeks? I'll be butchering the Saturday before T-day, they would be 28 weeks the Monday before T-day.

The the male would range from 20 to 30 lbs, depending on how they are fed. Which is a huge turkey. One BB Bronze female we did last week end at 10 weeks was just under 9 lbs dressed. Most turkeys for the holidays range from 12 to 18 lbs, which would be at about 20 weeks for bb bronze and bb white or about 25 to 28 weeks for females.

Also, is this the right forum to ask meat turkey questions in, or should I ask in the Other birds, poultry, fowl forum?

I am not a moderator but it would seem so since it's about meat birds.
a fresh turkey here sells for about $100 at local turkey farm. I know someone that bought one about 5 years ago thats what she paid. also saw a post about people traveling 100 miles to buy one.
SInce you are free ranging them you can call them organic.

They must meet very strick guidelines to call them organic. Ir would be unethical to sell them for something they are not. The organics go for those high prices because of the expense of meeting those requirements. Just call them free range like you said.​
I'm going to try 100 which i just ordered yesterday the local ag. agent told me i can get at least $75.00 per bird on the low end but i am going to take preorders and get a deposit.
where are you getting a 100 from?

oh, and if you're free ranging them, you can call them pasture raised. that will bring in more money.
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Does anyone know how much to sell a heritage (Red Bourbon) turkey for, at Thanksgiving? Mine are free-range, no medicated feed, born here at my farm. I was disappointed to learn that adult RB hens weigh in at only 8 lbs and toms at 15 lbs which makes me think I'd better charge a LOT for these.
Good LORD! I better get more turkey poults!
That's a great return!

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