Turkey Talk for 2014

Does anyone have tips on integrating new adult birds with my flock?

I'll be replacing my tom with a new tom and hen.

Typically, if the new tom is the only tom there should be no problem there. New hens can get beat up pretty easily by the old hens if there are more than 1 or 2. Add them in at night & monitor closely the first few days. If they make it through the first 2-3 days with no blood being drawn they should be fine.
Does anyone have tips on integrating new adult birds with my flock?

I'll be replacing my tom with a new tom and hen.
I put all new birds in quarantine away from my flock for weeks before I put them in a pen next to my flock so they can all get used to each other it helps. I have a piece of fence wire that I keep rolled up at the back of my run that is covered by a tarp and when I need to introduce a new bird I put them in the back of the run and put the wire across the run to keep them separate. It helps a lot they can see each other and interact with out any one getting hurt.
It sounds like there isn't really anything different from how I introduce chickens. Thanks for the replies... It's the first time adding turkeys and I didn't want to screw things up.
It sounds like there isn't really anything different from how I introduce chickens. Thanks for the replies... It's the first time adding turkeys and I didn't want to screw things up.
Your welcome. Good luck.
Quote: Just to add my experience why I don't "fatten " any birds. Years ago I was sold a breeding hen at a sale. THe fellow knew I wanted it for breeding and I trusted he would do me right. WRONG> GOt the bird home, let her walk around to see what I had and she was a cripple and VERY thin. Poor girl. We butchered her immediately. ALmost no meat, and no disernable fat. BUt once roasted there was plenty of grease in the pan. As a cook, I use all the grease so I like fat. I was surprised at the amt of fat still left on this skinny malnourished bird. Changed my was of thinking about " fattening."

Yep, I know you can butcher early and still have quite a bit of meat...but if you are looking for the traditional "barely fits in my oven" size bird, you have to wait a bit. However, my husband asked me if I'd picked up one of our Narri's lately and I said "no"..he tells me that those boys are getting pretty heavy...probably in the 25-30 lb or more arena and they are about 10 months old..of course, they come from a show line of exceptionally large birds and they are still eating like it's their last meal.
My narri boys are bigger than all my other large heritage types. I have kept my two boys even though they don't have a job. :)

My turkey is laying eggs I put 4 in the bator around the 28 th of December. She has since laid 7 more. It is about every other day she lays. I am in California Central part cold and rainy. Would you let her try to hatch this time of year???? She is coming 2 years old and has hatch one time before
SUe-- think ahead to how you will keep the poults. THey need warm and dry, like all babies. DO you have a bit of space in an extra stall where you can hang a heat lamp??

Does anyone have tips on integrating new adult birds with my flock?

I'll be replacing my tom with a new tom and hen.
I have raised males together to suddenly have raging fights and needing to remove a tom. In another situation, 3 had lived with each other and their hens together for a year ( again these boys raised together) and had one boy get injured then die; then later the second "brother" got on the bad side of the boss brother, and I removed him for his safety. My goal is one male per pen, with extra males penned together when possible.

Have back up space in case you need it.
Last year we closed this thread at the end of December. . . . IMO perhaps we should keep it going. Or are we ready to ask Kuntry Girl to start the New 2015 thread for the third year??
lol hate change too . A new thread would not the same without the first post being from Kuntry Girl.
I agree, @kuntrygirl s turkey threads have always been so informative and and full if information from all who join the threads. They have been a great place to go to talk turkey share knowledge and above all learn. Some of the other threads out there are filled with random chat. I feel this 2014 Turkey thread as well as the 2013 thread have a good balance of friendly chat and but also stay on track and keep it a learning tool.
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