Turkey Talk for 2014

This morning is the official celebration of turkey laying season at my place. In honor of eggs being layed, I cooked the first 2 eggs of the season. They were awesome! I love eating turkey eggs!!!!! :drool



I will now begin collecting turkey eyes for incubating. Poult season is officially here for me!!!! :celebrate
Right now I've 8 turkey. The ages are: 2.5 year old BR female, 1.5 yr old Blue Slate female, 2 8month old BR-1 male 1 female, 1 8 month old BR/BS female (blue w/red highlights) 2 6 month old BR- 1male 1femsle, & 1 6 mo old Rusty Black. The Rusty Black is also a cross of the BR/BS. I'm keeping her!

2 are promised to a friend for her freezer. I plan on keeping 1 male & 2 female for breeding. Will the young ones be old enough for breeding this spring?
This morning is the official celebration of turkey laying season at my place. In honor of eggs being layed, I cooked the first 2 eggs of the season. They were awesome! I love eating turkey eggs!!!!!

I will now begin collecting turkey eyes for incubating. Poult season is officially here for me!!!!

YAY Congrats on the first eggs of the season!!! I am a little jealous that your season starts so early. Mine just ended in Nov and wont start up again until roughly end of March. I miss turkey eggs for breakfast.

This hen came from a royal palm mother and a royal palm/bourbon red father. Her coloring is remarkably similar to that of Narragansett pictures I've seen. She is my shortest hen, but is the boss and also is the friendliest to us. She is also the most loud, usually instigates the cat and crow chasing incidents.
This morning is the official celebration of turkey laying season at my place. In honor of eggs being layed, I cooked the first 2 eggs of the season. They were awesome! I love eating turkey eggs!!!!!

I will now begin collecting turkey eyes for incubating. Poult season is officially here for me!!!!

Oh, they look delicious! I'm new to turkeys, and my girls are only 7 months old. How old are they when they start to lay? I assumed that it would be their first spring, like chickens, but don't know for sure. How big do I need to build their nest boxes? I've seen large turkey nest boxes on the ground, but is that what they prefer? Or do they also like the option of stacked or elevated boxes, like chickens? How big are the eggs compared to an "extra large" chicken egg?
Has everyone seen this video on YouTube?

It's title is turkey scares dog, which is obviously wrong. The turkey is a youngster and the dog is happy and begging the turkey to play with it. Get ready to smile when you watch it!!
1. Are you prepared for Turkey season for 2014?
mostly, just have to finish their new run.

3. What breeds do you plan on raising for 2014?
Bronze. Would love some Narragansets again, maybe next year.

6. Did you order any poults from other hatcheries? If so, what hatchery, what breed and how many are you expecting?
Just from the local feed store, not sure which hatchery they are using since our local one closed down a few years ago.

11. What are your feed plans for 2014? Anyone trying fermented feed for their flock?
I feed mostly fodder and free range.

12. Do you have your housing ready for your poults and turkeys?
Yes, run no

13. How many turkeys will you be processing for your freezer for 2014?
6 to 8

14. What did you do this year that you want to do next year?
I sell two to pay for processing on the rest.

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