Turkey Talk for 2014

She is standing still and has been all day I can tell she is pooping in the same spot and she let me touch her all over and I cannot find anything wrong with her. She is also just old enough to start laying. It has to be it, she was having problems the other day also but when I picked her up I heard a gurgling gush out of her. But she is back to standing still looking like she is going to drop dead.

What region do you live in? Some climates are too cold for turkeys to start laying even if they are old enough.

I doubt her very first egg she would be egg bound, though it is possible im sure

It might be she is getting close to laying and is confused about the feeling she is having. Or it is quite possible that she got mated for the first time. Its a traumatic event literally. My DH and I witness my poor hen last year get mated for the 1st time. It took like 5 mins and when it was over she looked traumatized the look on her face was very different then we would normally see. She was "off" and almost "blank" for the entire day.
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What region do you live in? Some climates are too cold for turkeys to start laying even if they are old enough.

I doubt her very first egg she would be egg bound, though it is possible im sure

It might be she is getting close to laying and is confused about the feeling she is having. Or it is quite possible that she got mated for the first time. Its a traumatic event literally. My DH and I witness my poor hen last year get mated for the 1st time. It took like 5 mins and when it was over she looked traumatized the look on her face was very different then we would normally see. She was "off" and almost "blank" for the entire day.
I live in Alabama. Ya know my tom was acting like he wanted to mate her but he is confused as to which end of her to mount. She was making a soft little crying sound. I told Ace to let her be....
He might have mated her. But I am worried about her. And for her to let me touch her! Seems like something must be wrong, that little girl runs like crazy from me as a rule...
I live in Alabama. Ya know my tom was acting like he wanted to mate her but he is confused as to which end of her to mount. She was making a soft little crying sound. I told Ace to let her be....
He might have mated her. But I am worried about her. And for her to let me touch her! Seems like something must be wrong, that little girl runs like crazy from me as a rule...

Just my guess but Im thinking she got mated.
On a different thread they are talking about a PBS show called My Life as a Turkey I guess its on Netflix. Has anyone seen it? Im going to watch it tonight since DH will be at school.
We are planning on restarting out flock of chickens and adding a pair of turkeys. Currently we have mixed chicken and roo but are getting some buff orphingtons. My question is should there be less fighting between my roo and tom because buffs are more docile?
We are planning on restarting out flock of chickens and adding a pair of turkeys. Currently we have mixed chicken and roo but are getting some buff orphingtons. My question is should there be less fighting between my roo and tom because buffs are more docile?

My turkeys are penned with the chickens & the toms don't bother the roos at all. I have seen the turkey hens set the roos in their place a couple times with a yank to the tail or hackle feathers.

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