Turkey Talk for 2014

Aunt Kat mine started that way he is just trying to prove him self King of the Barnyard. Then he started at me that's when I chased him. Haven't had issues with him in quiet some time.
Well, the ONLY BOY giving me trouble is Rerun, and I am not sure if he is being aggressive or gettin it on with his waterer. For two days he went after it when I put fresh water in, and was circling it and kind of kicking it. His female has been ignoring him, and just kinda looked at the waterer like "EWWW". Then I went in two days ago, and took the waterer out, and he was stomping his feet. Not sure what that was about. I just dont want to misinterpret his actions as aggressive if that isn't what he is doing.

I came into a new incubator back in October and I have been dying to try it out! I got ahold of some eggs (duck,goose and Turkey) and set them earlier last week...fingers crossed they hatch. Since I have a bigger incubator I decided I needed a bigger brooder...I picked up this wooden crate at work and frankensteined parts of my old metal brooder to make this.I cant wait to see how it works in a few weeks..And as always Ellie hamming it up in the yard.

VERY COOL! What kind of turkeys are those???
I would like to have your snow. ...for about week. Its beautiful. It 14* here now and feels like 2*. Its supposed to get to wind chill of -10. We are under a wind advisory with expected gust up to 40mph.
TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend just sent me some pictures that she took when the group was less than a week old. I forgot how tiny they were! Will need to get some current pictures posted soon. They are now 31 weeks old.
(Sorry they're in random order -- this is my first posting of pictures to BYC and haven't figured out how to move them around yet.)

This is Isabella. She is a Spanish Black, and is now 11.0 pounds. She was always a goofy, bouncy, happy poult from day one, and remains that way today. She is everyone's favorite (husband, best friend, and both toms) despite her limited eyesight and mild neurological issues that prevent her from having fine motor control while eating, and sometimes missing important social cues. You just can't stop smiling when she runs up to greet you, chirping wildly, then hops and bounces around you in circles with her head bobbing up and down, like a dog begging you to play with her.

This is Stanford. She is a heritage Bronze, and is now 10.9 pounds. She was the first one to fly out of the brooder, the first to fly out of the yard, the first to do almost anything. She was a very interactive, social, and fearless poult, but as a teenager she prefers to be quite independent. She is the most wild-like of all the birds, the first to spot a predator, makes the most noise, and will bite quite hard if reached for after she has gone to her roost. But during the daytime she is sweet when handled or carried, although she prefers to just follow you around without all that physical contact.

This is another picture of Isabella (sorry, tried to get them in order but couldn't make it work).

This is DeLorean. He is a Blue Slate, and is now 18.1 pounds. When he was 3 days old he tried to squeeze through some 1X2 wire in his brooder and got stuck, and ended up with abrasions over much of his body as he struggled to free himself. Well, we started calling him "Road Rash," but that was unbecoming of a proud tom, so when we saw him stretch out those long beautiful wings the first time we changed it to DeLorean, after the beautiful silver car with gull wing doors.

Also DeLorean.

My favorite picture of DeLorean. He would fall asleep in my hand as soon as I picked him up at that age. It was as if he needed the peace and quite away from the rowdy bunch.

This is Victoria. She is a Blue Slate, and is now 10.0 pounds. She and Stanford are the ringleaders for getting into trouble, over fences, chasing deer, etc. She has never been much of a social bird, despite being handled extensively as a poult. But she's not flighty or anxious or aggressive. She just doesn't like physical affection, and turns away whenever she is petted.

Another picture of Victoria.

Another picture of Victoria, showing her "angel wings," which were always held away from her body. I was originally quite concerned about this, but as she molted into longer wings the feather position tightened, and now her wings are normal, and quite functional.

This is Dorthea. She is a Spanish Black, and is now 10.4 pounds. She was a bit of a squirrelly poult, which is why none of these pictures are in focus. She wasn't anxious or antisocial so much as she just didn't want to be held. But there was something about her -- she was compact but perfect. She was only 54 grams in this picture, but she was well fleshed for her age, and she had a physical symmetry about her that made you just stare and smile. Everything was in perfect balance, nothing was too big or too small or gangly or sticking out awkwardly. She was a perfect little miniature. And amazingly, she has remained that way throughout her growth. There's no goofy pictures of her tucked away. She's all beauty. But sometime in the last 3-4 months she decided that cuddling was wonderful, and bedtime isn't right if she can't tuck her head under my chin for a few minutes as she goes to sleep.

My friend didn't get any good pictures of Camilla, the always anxious, hyperactive Royal Palm, who is now 9.0 pounds and beautiful, even if she does hate to be handled, or Francis, the largest of the group from day one. He is now 25.4 pounds, always on display, protects Isabella from the wrath of her social mistakes, and is the sweetest boy I've ever had. He is also tall enough to go through the waist-level pockets of my coat, and crafty enough to use a light touch so I don't notice his head in my pocket right away. But when he goes to bed there's nothing he likes more than to have his neck and head and snood rubbed as he goes to sleep

Hope you all enjoyed the baby pictures.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SWEET! Wish i could have seen mine as babies. :)
TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it was 53* yesterday. Guess who was sick in the house under a blanket yesterday.... I still feel like crap and have to work today. I came in the office with the warning My head and stomach hurts. I'm freezing and grumpy. Stay Away!!! I have somethings that have to get out and then I may very well go back home. I hate this yo yo weather. I actually love winter here in the south and would like some snow, but dang I'm ready for Spring!!!
Aunt Kat mine started that way he is just trying to prove him self King of the Barnyard. Then he started at me that's when I chased him. Haven't had issues with him in quiet some time.
[COLOR=4B0082]Well, the ONLY BOY giving me trouble is Rerun, and I am not sure if he is being aggressive or gettin it on with his waterer. For two days he went after it when I put fresh water in, and was circling it and kind of kicking it. His female has been ignoring him, and just kinda looked at the waterer like "EWWW". Then I went in two days ago, and took the waterer out, and he was stomping his feet. Not sure what that was about. I just dont want to misinterpret his actions as aggressive if that isn't what he is doing.[/COLOR]
I came into a new incubator back in October and I have been dying to try it out! I got ahold of some eggs (duck,goose and Turkey) and set them earlier last week...fingers crossed they hatch. Since I have a bigger incubator I decided I needed a bigger brooder...I picked up this wooden crate at work and frankensteined parts of my old metal brooder to make this.I cant wait to see how it works in a few weeks..And as always Ellie hamming it up in the yard.
[COLOR=4B0082]VERY COOL! What kind of turkeys are those???[/COLOR]
WOW! YOU GOT SNOW???? We got nothing.
This would be my yard this morning. Sounds luke Rerun has a thing for the waterer. No worries. He's just practicing for his hen.
This would be my yard this morning.

Sounds luke Rerun has a thing for the waterer. No worries. He's just practicing for his hen.

OH MY!!!! glad we got a break from it!!! But seems the extreme cold will be returning tomorrow morning. Stay warm! And he was a tiny bit calmer yesterday, so maybe he finally got some....
Well it was 53* yesterday. Guess who was sick in the house under a blanket yesterday.... I still feel like crap and have to work today. I came in the office with the warning My head and stomach hurts. I'm freezing and grumpy. Stay Away!!! I have somethings that have to get out and then I may very well go back home. I hate this yo yo weather. I actually love winter here in the south and would like some snow, but dang I'm ready for Spring!!!
OH NO! I hope you feel better. Hearing about a ton of things going around. I have 2 of my 3 kiddos down with what seems a tummy virus today. Hubs said he isn't feeling great either. LOTS OF FLUIDS!!! Get well!!!!

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