Turkey Talk for 2014

Are you serious? How long in the incubator can you still eat the eggs? I had some that went through the entire 21+ days and none hatched, the incubator had been too hot at the beginning, so they hadn't started developing; they didn't smell good.

Don't candle too much in one night. I got a headache that way.

ya I think Uphill was talking about the eggs the little amish man has on craigslist... I havent gotten over there yet I can't bring myself to leave the house when its in the minus degrees, today is supposed to be in the 30's WOOT get the shorts out!
My turkey went to her nest yesterday, followed by my Tom guarding her, like usual. She was in there awhile then came out and wandered around a bit, then went back in it awhile, then wandered around a bit. She did this several times for hours!! Any idea why she would be?
thanks for the info Chickado

so a turkey can be more or less a carrier....... ?

i guess all the adult birds will get the vaccine including the turkeys

i only have about 30 adults total so i think i can handle it with not much trouble

now i'm wondering if i should also vaccinate for any other thing while i am at it

I hope you don't mind my suggesting it but, if I were you I would call a vet or at least Jeffers 800-419-9524 and ask to talk to their expert.
I am not sure you can vaccinate turkey or adult birds is the reason I am suggesting you call an expert to ask if you can.
I buy other meds and vaccines from Jeffers and I have talked to the expert she is very good.

thanks for the info Chickado

so a turkey can be more or less a carrier....... ?

i guess all the adult birds will get the vaccine including the turkeys

i only have about 30 adults total so i think i can handle it with not much trouble

now i'm wondering if i should also vaccinate for any other thing while i am at it


I hope you don't mind my suggesting it but, if I were you I would call a vet or at least Jeffers 800-419-9524 and ask to talk to their expert.
I am not sure you can vaccinate turkey or adult birds is the reason I am suggesting you call an expert to ask if you can. 
I buy other meds and vaccines from Jeffers and I have talked to the expert she is very good.

It is my understanding as well that you cannot vaccinate past about 3 days of age. Reason being, vaccinated birds become carriers since a live virus is used. Any vaccinated chicks you bring into an unvaccinated adult flock just exposes your adult flock to Maereck's. It's a real fast way to find out if your adult birds are carriers (IE-immune) or if they are susceptible & soon become sick & die. Maereck's vaccine is something you need to decide on when you first start out. You then have to keep going on whichever path you choose. You also have to let anyone who buys your birds know they have been vaccinated so they don't then lose birds by introducing Maereck's into their flock from your vaccinated birds (IE-immune only because they are carriers).
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My turkey went to her nest yesterday, followed by my Tom guarding her, like usual. She was in there awhile then came out and wandered around a bit, then went back in it awhile, then wandered around a bit. She did this several times for hours!! Any idea why she would be?

Sounds is getting ready to lay her first egg, if she hasn't already. You should see one likely today, if not then in the next few days.
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I hope you don't mind my suggesting it but, if I were you I would call a vet or at least Jeffers 800-419-9524 and ask to talk to their expert.
I am not sure you can vaccinate turkey or adult birds is the reason I am suggesting you call an expert to ask if you can.
I buy other meds and vaccines from Jeffers and I have talked to the expert she is very good.

don't mind at all , that is why i was asking questions

thank you SilkieS for your input too

i'll call & find that way i know what to do & what not to do

does anyone here vaccinate for anything?


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