Turkey Talk for 2014

Sorry, I didn't update you sooner but I was at work. She was no where to be found in the morning. My husband searched all day and went over to that guys place and he did not see or hear her. She was still not here when I got home from work and at some point she came back after I got home. I found her behind a crate in the barn. Now when I tell you that I looked a bazillion times behind that crate last night and this morning, I did and my husband looked there today as well and she was not there! She was setting on 2 eggs when I found her. I tried to move her to a better place but that didn't work out so well. But she is safe and sound and I still have no idea where she was all last night and today!
Sorry, I didn't update you sooner but I was at work. She was no where to be found in the morning. My husband searched all day and went over to that guys place and he did not see or hear her. She was still not here when I got home from work and at some point she came back after I got home. I found her behind a crate in the barn. Now when I tell you that I looked a bazillion times behind that crate last night and this morning, I did and my husband looked there today as well and she was not there! She was setting on 2 eggs when I found her. I tried to move her to a better place but that didn't work out so well. But she is safe and sound and I still have no idea where she was all last night and today!
So glad you found her! That is wonderful
Thank you guys!
I was worried sick over her also! It was very cold and sleeting last night here. Now, here is a question, do you think she could have went with the wild turkeys and hung out with them for awhile? I did not see them yet this spring but my husband said he seen the flock yesterday. It is a big flock and I counted 25 or so last fall.
Quote: Just hatch more!

I'm hosting a contest for the Cinco de Mayo hatchathon, but it's open to all BYC members. Thought you guys might be interested.

Thank you Jill-- should be fun!

I just got back from picking up my BBB and BBW poults I only got a few to see how they do and if we like them. They are so cute!

You will enjoy them-- just don't play with them, as mine did get toooo big to keep, especially the whites. By 5 m they sat by the feeders and did n't walk around anymore. Males were 35# dressed-- almost too much turkey but great for family get togethers.

Sorry, I didn't update you sooner but I was at work. She was no where to be found in the morning. My husband searched all day and went over to that guys place and he did not see or hear her. She was still not here when I got home from work and at some point she came back after I got home. I found her behind a crate in the barn. Now when I tell you that I looked a bazillion times behind that crate last night and this morning, I did and my husband looked there today as well and she was not there! She was setting on 2 eggs when I found her. I tried to move her to a better place but that didn't work out so well. But she is safe and sound and I still have no idea where she was all last night and today!
Thank you guys!
I was worried sick over her also! It was very cold and sleeting last night here. Now, here is a question, do you think she could have went with the wild turkeys and hung out with them for awhile? I did not see them yet this spring but my husband said he seen the flock yesterday. It is a big flock and I counted 25 or so last fall.
So glad she is baccccccckkk !! I was worriying about her. No that she can' t handle the weather-- more a matter of predators.
1. Are you prepared for Turkey season for 2014?
i hope some
2. When do your hens start laying eggs? next year
3. What breeds do you plan on raising for 2014?
blue slat,grande wild rio , bourbon red,Royal Palm
4. What is your current Tom/Hen Ratio?idk
5. How many poults do you plan on hatching?as much as i can then let the hens hatch them
6. Did you order any poults from other hatcheries? If so, what hatchery, what breed and how many are you expecting? privet hatchery ,12 poult ,blue slat,grande wild rio , bourbon red,Royal Palm and getting 20 rios.
7. Are you ordering turkey eggs from someone? If so, how many?nope
8. Will you be using an incubator to hatch your turkey eggs?some time
9. Do you want your hens to go broody so that they can hatch eggs? yes yes yes
10. Will you be selling eggs and/or poults? some and turn some to the wild
11. What are your feed plans for 2014? Anyone trying fermented feed for their flock?
12. Do you have your housing ready for your poults and turkeys?no not yet but there pen is 26f x 20
13. How many turkeys will you be processing for your freezer for 2014?
14. What did you do this year that you want to do different next year (2014)? make small breeding pens
Sorry, I didn't update you sooner but I was at work. She was no where to be found in the morning. My husband searched all day and went over to that guys place and he did not see or hear her. She was still not here when I got home from work and at some point she came back after I got home. I found her behind a crate in the barn. Now when I tell you that I looked a bazillion times behind that crate last night and this morning, I did and my husband looked there today as well and she was not there! She was setting on 2 eggs when I found her. I tried to move her to a better place but that didn't work out so well. But she is safe and sound and I still have no idea where she was all last night and today!

Thank you so much for letting us know. I was imagining the worst and hoping for the best.

She may have another nest anywhere, or she may have ventured out too far and not been able to make it back before dark. I've had several chicken hens that I searched hours for, only to go to bed heartsick, then have them come home the next day. As long as I don't find evidence of a predator, I keep hoping they're safe and keep looking. The scariest part of your situation was the possibility that the mower blade guy took her.

It's amazing what these birds do that we never even see. I looked out the window today and didn't see one of my hens. None of the others in the flock was upset, so I figured she was fine. I looked all over and finally found her on a nest, perfectly hidden in plain sight, laying the 12th egg in a nest. I knew there was another nest around here and had looked in that same spot, but this hen covered her nest with dried leaves when she walked away, just like the other Spanish Black. The other three breeds don't do this, so it must be a trait of this line of this breed. Great survival strategy!!

I'm so so so happy that you found your hen. I've been worried about her today.
Thank you guys!
I was worried sick over her also! It was very cold and sleeting last night here. Now, here is a question, do you think she could have went with the wild turkeys and hung out with them for awhile? I did not see them yet this spring but my husband said he seen the flock yesterday. It is a big flock and I counted 25 or so last fall.

She wouldn't be the first young lady to run away with some exotic wild guy for a night or two. It's possible. Even if she didn't spend any time with the flock, she may have been curious about their sounds and went to investigate, then couldn't make it back home in time. At least she's safe now.
She wouldn't be the first young lady to run away with some exotic wild guy for a night or two. It's possible. Even if she didn't spend any time with the flock, she may have been curious about their sounds and went to investigate, then couldn't make it back home in time. At least she's safe now.

LOL! That is true! Now only if I cold ground her for her shenanigans! LOL I hope she learned her lesson and does not do this again! I knew it had to be either she was hiding out somewhere or someone took her because of the lack of evidence that something else happened to her. Thanks everyone for hanging in there with me and maybe soon I will have baby poults to tell you about! If turkey boy is doing the deed that is!!

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