Turkey Talk for 2014

Thanks for fixing it. Does anybody else have problems copying and pasting in p BYC posts? I am doing it the same way I used to, but it won't work. Hence I just typed in the address and forgot the http.

I suppose that it may depend on your browser. I have XP and normally use IE8 as my browser but it will no longer work to allow me to make posts on BYC. In order for me to make posts, I am using Firefox. I am not having any problems copying and pasting using Firefox as my browser.
And how to breed turkeys with the colors I prescient?
Thank you.

Porter's does include genetic information in the description of each breed and does say which breed will breed true and which will not breed true. Blue slates will not breed true and will produce either a blue slate, self blue or a black poult. Bourbons reds will breed true as will most other common varieties.

Porter's also has a section on how he does his breeding.


If you are into turkey genetics, there is a thread on here about turkey genetics.

hey hows it going im new to this whole turkey thing really interested in getting at least 2 hens and maybe a tom but dont know where to buy them do any of you guys have any for sale at this time. and how are the turkey eggs
My suggestion is get familiar with turkeys by raising them for 6-9 months and then butcher. Most of us have started with poults as it is hard to get adults to start with. I have done both.

As for how are the turkey eggs-- they make a wonderful omlet!! lol

Many of us do have eggs for sale. I do: mixed breed , sweetgrass and bourbon reds.

Anyone raise a couple turkeys just for Thanksgiving?? I'm thinking about doin it this year
THis would be a good beginning into turkeys IMO.

I started with BBW and BBB and did butcher for the holidays, and was glad to have them gone. I rather enjoy the heritage turkeys all year long as they can handle the harsh weather here, though do need a little nudge to get out of the bad weather and into a coop.

I've been raising turkeys every year for the past dozen years. This is the first year I held over breeding stock from last year's birds.

Turkeys are entertaining. They also offer challenges due to their size, strength, and flight ability (other than BBB and BBW).
After horses, turkeys are easy!! lol

YOu are right though-- set ups for chickens are not likely to work for the turkeys-- we have built all new accomodations for the turkeys, or used a horse stall.
Sorry I got the thread off topic. I have taken the matter private. ;)

I ordered another 15 BBW poults for a June delivery. I will have to sell the 7 I still have to recover the cost of re-buying again. In the mean time, I have the Red x Narragansett I hatched a couple weeks ago. I hatched a midget white and I helped a poult out of another egg and for the life of me, I am not sure if it was one of my Reds or a white. I was in a hurry because I had 5 to help out of their shells - all were dried to the membrane. Thank you, once again, Sportsman fans!

I have decided to rethink my flock - once again. I really like my turkeys and don't plan on parting with them. I think getting ducks again was a mistake. I really miss their eggs, but I got Rhodebars and Marans for eating eggs. So, off they may go again. We will see what the other half says.
Happy Easter everyone
Sorry I got the thread off topic. I have taken the matter private. ;)

I ordered another 15 BBW poults for a June delivery. I will have to sell the 7 I still have to recover the cost of re-buying again. In the mean time, I have the Red x Narragansett I hatched a couple weeks ago. I hatched a midget white and I helped a poult out of another egg and for the life of me, I am not sure if it was one of my Reds or a white. I was in a hurry because I had 5 to help out of their shells - all were dried to the membrane. Thank you, once again, Sportsman fans!

I have decided to rethink my flock - once again. I really like my turkeys and don't plan on parting with them. I think getting ducks again was a mistake. I really miss their eggs, but I got Rhodebars and Marans for eating eggs. So, off they may go again. We will see what the other half says.
Haahaa-- I am always rethinking What I need to be doing!! I have learned so much in the few years with poultry !!! Started with 1 foster chicken that got me in to all this trouble!! lol THen got layers-- then found colored eggs and bought males to get breeding the fun colors-- found BOb BLosl and his talk of heritage breeds-- local lady selling a pair of BR turkeys, then while buying a rooster at a meet up, bought muscovyies!! Lordy-- it has been a whirl wind o f learning, trial and error, just crazy.

You are not alone in this adventure!!! lol
Sat down this morning and took stock... Come July/Aug I will be downsizing and sticking with the breeds that are dual purpose.. I *think I have at the very least 65 chickens out there of various ages. From three that are over 3 years old to numerous 1.5 year olds down to a couple week olds.. I am going to keep my big Rooster Blue (Blue Orpington) and our new comer Buff Orpington as the only two roosters on the property. we culled the EE rooster day before yesterday.. I have 10- 7 week old chicks, half of which are roosters and will be going to freezer camp when ready. Out of the 7 that the mamma and I hatched I will only keep two of those if they end up being girls.. My end goal by September is 25 laying hens, all under 2 years old and the two roosters. I sell enough eggs that there is no out of pocket expense right now for all the feed for the 65+ chickens but its overwhelming with so many.

If I can get the turkeys to hatch (first round this coming weekend) I am keeping 8.. from those I will keep 2 hens and one Tom the rest will go in the freezer, Pretty much have all the others sold already which is going to pay for feed for the ones I am keeping... DH is still wanting to keep 2 geese. we are also going to start managing the rabbits better.. I have a buyer for 5 of the 2.5 month olds and 9 of the 2 week olds when they are ready.. Told Dh I would like to downsize to a breeding female and male and then we can split their offspring, half in the freezer and half sold..
By my calculations in doing this I can make the animals pay for themselves instead of just depending solely on egg sale.

Just because one can hatch doesn't mean one should hatch

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