Turkey Talk for 2014

I want to thank everyone for the supportive thoughts. I have not been on here for a week, my grandmother passed away and things have been a little busy.
Had a 100% hatch rate of another dozen poults this week though, the one good thing this week.
. It looks like 3 of the shipped bourbon red eggs are developing for my fiasco of ordering those eggs. Still want to get some more nice bourbon reds to hatch, does anyone on here have an extra dozen eggs??
I want to thank everyone for the supportive thoughts. I have not been on here for a week, my grandmother passed away and things have been a little busy.
Had a 100% hatch rate of another dozen poults this week though, the one good thing this week.
. It looks like 3 of the shipped bourbon red eggs are developing for my fiasco of ordering those eggs. Still want to get some more nice bourbon reds to hatch, does anyone on here have an extra dozen eggs??
So sorry about your grandmother. Take care of yourself.

The "silk turkeys" number just went up to 8. Four new poults were hatched under the silkies. The original four (including these two) still live with their adoptive silkie parents and show no signs of wanting to leave. They still sleep under the wings of their silkie caretakers. Once they get a bit more size to them I'll move them out into their proper pen. I'll have to get a picture of the new poults, they are adorable. The original 4 all seem to be developing royal palm coloration, but 3 of the newest 4 have differing levels of bronze coloration.
Hi, all!

I have a broody bourbon red hen who I noticed was actually sticking with sitting last week. She had 2 eggs under her, so I put 3 more under her from my collection that was destined for the incubator. So she had a total of 5 eggs and has been sitting ever since. Yesterday I checked and she had 9 eggs under her, which means she's laying at the same time as she's sitting. Is this normal and will she sit until the last one hatches or just quit when she's got a few poults? I've never had a broody turkey before.

Hi, all!

I have a broody bourbon red hen who I noticed was actually sticking with sitting last week. She had 2 eggs under her, so I put 3 more under her from my collection that was destined for the incubator. So she had a total of 5 eggs and has been sitting ever since. Yesterday I checked and she had 9 eggs under her, which means she's laying at the same time as she's sitting. Is this normal and will she sit until the last one hatches or just quit when she's got a few poults? I've never had a broody turkey before.


Are you sure it's her that's laying? If you have other turkey hens she's more likely taking the eggs that they are laying.
The problem with new eggs coming into the nest is that you'll end up with staggered hatches. If they're staggered by more than a few days she'll need to leave the nest to take care of the poults that are running around, so the developing embryos will die. Ideally, the original eggs are placed in the nest all at the same time, and should be marked with a circle around the middle (so the mark can be seen with the egg in any position). The nest should be checked daily or every other day, and any new (unmarked) eggs should be removed. That is especially important if she's starting to get a large number of eggs under her. If she ever gets too many to cover properly, the eggs on the edge will get too cold and die. As she shifts the eggs around, more and more will take their turn on the edge, so those will die also. So staggered hatches, and large numbers of eggs under a broody, can end with very poor hatch rates. If she's a first time broody then nine eggs is probably her max, although 6-8 is more manageable for a first-timer. If you want her to brood them, then I would mark all of them now, before any more get added by other hens (they like laying in a communal nest, and a broody will take in all eggs available). Then check daily and remove any new eggs. Since her eggs were started on many different days, her hatch will be staggered. You'll need to watch very carefully when the first poults start to hatch. Once she leaves the nest to take care of the poults, you'll need to quickly put any remaining eggs into the incubator/hatcher to keep the near-term embryos from dying.

Very exciting!!
Are you sure it's her that's laying? If you have other turkey hens she's more likely taking the eggs that they are laying.

The problem with new eggs coming into the nest is that you'll end up with staggered hatches. If they're staggered by more than a few days she'll need to leave the nest to take care of the poults that are running around, so the developing embryos will die. Ideally, the original eggs are placed in the nest all at the same time, and should be marked with a circle around the middle (so the mark can be seen with the egg in any position). The nest should be checked daily or every other day, and any new (unmarked) eggs should be removed. That is especially important if she's starting to get a large number of eggs under her. If she ever gets too many to cover properly, the eggs on the edge will get too cold and die. As she shifts the eggs around, more and more will take their turn on the edge, so those will die also. So staggered hatches, and large numbers of eggs under a broody, can end with very poor hatch rates. If she's a first time broody then nine eggs is probably her max, although 6-8 is more manageable for a first-timer. If you want her to brood them, then I would mark all of them now, before any more get added by other hens (they like laying in a communal nest, and a broody will take in all eggs available). Then check daily and remove any new eggs. Since her eggs were started on many different days, her hatch will be staggered. You'll need to watch very carefully when the first poults start to hatch. Once she leaves the nest to take care of the poults, you'll need to quickly put any remaining eggs into the incubator/hatcher to keep the near-term embryos from dying.

Very exciting!!

Thanks! That's very helpful. I have 3 hens in that pen, but the nest is in a strawberry raised bed, about 18 inches off the ground, and the broody hen hasn't left it in about 2 weeks. The others may be laying there as I never find any eggs in the enclosure, but the RP girl flies out pretty much every day during the day to come back and roost in the morning in their orchard. I'll mark eggs today (3 were already marked) and keep an eye on her. I'm not even sure how the poults will get out of there when they do hatch as it's down in a box and too deep for them to escape, so that should help me collect eggs and keep poults contained, at least for the first day or so. Will probably brood the poults in the house, rather than letting mama have too many. But may change my mind when that time comes! At least she lets me get under her without biting or being mean about it.

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