Turkey Talk for 2014

Hi, all!

I have a broody bourbon red hen who I noticed was actually sticking with sitting last week. She had 2 eggs under her, so I put 3 more under her from my collection that was destined for the incubator. So she had a total of 5 eggs and has been sitting ever since. Yesterday I checked and she had 9 eggs under her, which means she's laying at the same time as she's sitting. Is this normal and will she sit until the last one hatches or just quit when she's got a few poults? I've never had a broody turkey before.


I have a first time BR broody hen and she's also still laying. They are her eggs. They are smaller than the BBB eggs and are developing, where the BBB eggs never develop. I have 10 of the BR eggs in the incubator that I've removed from the nest, all developing. I gave the hen 9 eggs that I got from Momhunter. 2 have been broken, one the first day and one a couple days ago (with a chick inside) and I left one of hers that was laid about the same time I gave her the eggs. She's got 12 right now, so I need to grab out the new ones. She's got 13 days to go. If she hatches any, I'll take any left and candle, then add the good ones to the incubator.
The problem with new eggs coming into the nest is that you'll end up with staggered hatches. If they're staggered by more than a few days she'll need to leave the nest to take care of the poults that are running around, so the developing embryos will die. Ideally, the original eggs are placed in the nest all at the same time, and should be marked with a circle around the middle (so the mark can be seen with the egg in any position). The nest should be checked daily or every other day, and any new (unmarked) eggs should be removed. That is especially important if she's starting to get a large number of eggs under her. If she ever gets too many to cover properly, the eggs on the edge will get too cold and die. As she shifts the eggs around, more and more will take their turn on the edge, so those will die also. So staggered hatches, and large numbers of eggs under a broody, can end with very poor hatch rates. If she's a first time broody then nine eggs is probably her max, although 6-8 is more manageable for a first-timer. If you want her to brood them, then I would mark all of them now, before any more get added by other hens (they like laying in a communal nest, and a broody will take in all eggs available). Then check daily and remove any new eggs. Since her eggs were started on many different days, her hatch will be staggered. You'll need to watch very carefully when the first poults start to hatch. Once she leaves the nest to take care of the poults, you'll need to quickly put any remaining eggs into the incubator/hatcher to keep the near-term embryos from dying.

Very exciting!!

I had the brother go down and mark the eggs she is on right now. I've marked the calendar as to when to start checking her. I know the toms wouldn't leave her alone, so we built a stick deterrent that lets her duck under, but no toms mount her. It seems to be working. As far as other hens, there's no telling whether they're getting in there or not. Thanks for the great advice!
Wow. What a night with our Tom, Oreo! Went out at lockup time and he was limping, more like hopping on 1 leg. Well I just got him this Spring as a 2 yr old and he's never been messed with much by humans, so catching him was CRAZY & very distressing for him. We looked and felt of his foot and leg and only found a small area with with MAY have been some dried blood. I carried him up to the house for better lighting, wrapped him in a towel, laid him on his back and kept searching myself, didn't trust DH opinion. Lol cleaned his foot, and blue koted it really well. But I honestly still don't know what is wrong!

I'd guess he weighs like 30lbs, & where he normally roosts is only about 3 ft off the ground. I noticed a few nights ago he was sleeping on the ground infront of the nest that my broody & her babies sleep in. Just thought he was being protective. I am soo worried now that he has an infection or something, although it appears completely fine! :(
My first poult!

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