Turkey Talk for 2014

I know you have quite a few turkeys, so you must get a lot of eggs, buy do you know that you can keep eggs in the fridge for eating for 5 to 6 Months, if you treat them? That way you never run out of fresh eggs, even if your birds stop laying? I have 4 month eggs in my frig, that are perfectly fresh.
how do you treat eggs to make them last 5-6 months in the fridge?
Well, 5 of the 9 turkey eggs I set under my bantam chocolate Orps hatched... The rooster proceeded to kill them all and eat parts of some of them then. I moved the last 3 eggs to the incubator along with 4 of their own eggs - one of theirs was pipped. One is definitely still alive but not internally pipped. No clue on two and the 4th I tossed - it quit early. I am very upset. 5 hens against one roo and they just let him kill them. I hate that rooster. He's mean anyways. Point is, the incubator hatches are going horrible, so I thought the hens would do a better job. They did... HE did not.
Yes, well, he's nearly 2yrs old and just started behaving like this last summer. He wasn't mean at all before.

ETA: He's also the foundation to my bantam chocolate Orp flock and still kind of important until this new cockerel can replace him. His one son is mean - also didn't start that way. His other is as docile as the hens.
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Yes, well, he's nearly 2yrs old and just started behaving like this last summer. He wasn't mean at all before.

ETA: He's also the foundation to my bantam chocolate Orp flock and still kind of important until this new cockerel can replace him. His one son is mean - also didn't start that way. His other is as docile as the hens.
using a mean rooster for beeding can give mean offspring
It's my first time for raising a turkey. Can anyone tell me the best way to introduce her to my ten hens and three ducks? Would like to keep them together but the turkey seems to get picked on she's about four weeks old.
It's my first time for raising a turkey. Can anyone tell me the best way to introduce her to my ten hens and three ducks? Would like to keep them together but the turkey seems to get picked on she's about four weeks old.

A 4 week old turkey should not be wit adult chicken hens and adult ducks, she is way to small to defend herself. Plus at 4 weeks old she should still be in a brooder under a heat lamp. Poults chill very easily and it they get too chilled they can die.

My suggestion is try introducing her when she is closer to 10weeks old, then she will be closer to their size.

This is my own personal opinion
The cold isn't an issue we're in the mid 80's and 60's at night. I may have the age wrong she's feathered in and almost as tall as my girls. A friend of mine bought her and dropped her off since we have a coop. She is a bronze breasted.

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