Turkeys and Chickens

I have turkeys and chickens together. I don't really like too, but from time to time I do have to keep them together. You only have a problem if your chickens carry blackhead, which knowing in itself is a problem. If you have no turkeys die from Blackhead= most likely yours don't carry it. I keep mine wormed with safeguard to help prevent anything just in case.
Mine free range together but not penned together. From what I've read 'if chickens carry blackhead' is not the right term. If you google it it will tell you excactly what it is. It is the chicken's poop on the ground that attracts the parasite, then the turkey is exposed and they get blackhead. So far I've been fortunate not to have problems. I would like to think if you are going to butcher in a timely matter(short time frame) it shouldn't pose a threat. Anyone, please correct me if I'm wrong.

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