Turkeys from Cackle Hatchery

5winchestermule I live in New York so I would not be able to drive and pick them up. They arrived the next day after they shipped and so far the friend I put the order in with hasnt lost any of hers either so I consider that a very good thing. I think it helped we had really good weather that week and the fact that I have never had any issues with my post office as far as any being DOA. I have had chicks that pass a day after but I generally think that is just because the shipping was too much and not the post offices fault. Luckily where I live pretty much everyone does farming or backyard poultry of some sort.

R2elk going by the post you gave me on here I am thinking out of the 8 I have at least 3 are girls. But we will see. I may have to pull them out one by one again and give them a good looking over.

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