Turned Out Really Nice :-)


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2016
Northern California
Jimmy from Signature Poultry & Game Bird called me today and he was polite and nice. He talked to me about raising chickens and eased my mind on ordering chicks through the mail. .He was helpful, Enjoyed talking with him and getting to know one another. He was actually enjoyable to speak with, knowledgeable and understanding. He was quite different than the person I talked with the other day and willing to take my order.
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I just called a Hatchery here in California, it's called Signature Poultry & Game Bird Farm. I was asking the gentlemen questions on specific breeds I was looking for: Ameraucana and Salmon Faverolles. I was asking his price ranges, then he became irritable at the fact that he'd have to ship the chicks, he became irritable at the amount I'd like to purchase which would be ten Ameraucanas and five Salmon Faverolles and he laughed at the amount of chicks I wanted to order. Then he said irritabley well I'd charge you separate shipping and handling plus price of the birds. .which I understood, when asked him if he would do a quote he laughed and said well, we don't do those here. His rudeness, impatient attitude just turned me away from doing business with him. He treated me like I was an idiot and I just felt awkward while having him on the phone, he didn't ask but damanded I tell him my address in which I didn't and I just told him city and state. The man said I didn't ask for that I asked for the address, I just told him I'd discuss if I'd buy my chicks through him with my husband. I hung up the phone and decided I'd stick with Stromberg's Chicks & Game Birds Unlimited. At least Stromberg's has better customer service, answers questions politely and diligently.They'll do a quote and add shipping into the price, they don't charge extra. They'll treat you respectfully and answer questions doesn't matter how ridiculous they may seem. I was just shocked at the man's rudeness, I was going to try and do business with his company but now I won't. Obviously I'm sticking with Stromberg's and won't be ever calling this company back!!.

I absolutely hate it when people treat me this way. But... I have to deal with many different people each day. I know how hard it is to have someone drive me to the point of wanting to put a fist through the wall and then have to smile, bite back my anger, and act like nothing ever happened with the next person. Most times I am successful...and sometimes not so successful.

Make another phone call. Give another chance. And if the same thing happens again...tell him how you feel about his attitude....you'll feel better for doing so. Then call Stromberg's.
@Junebuggena: yes, I knew that. It's the same thing with Strhomberg's too, I was just trying to find an easier way so that the chicks wouldn't have to travel so far. I love Easter Eggers, I
own two Roosters.

@nchls School: I'm sorry that you too had bad experience with rude people too, I was just trying to give this man my buisiness and he obviously probably shouldn't have it anyways. There were a few people whom stated on the site reviews that the man (owner) is extremely rude. So I seem to have not been the only one whom he's treated so poorly, after hearing that I realized I'd faithfully stick with Stromberg's. Thank you for sharing your experience, it's the cruel people whom definitely ruine a person's mood. I won't let him get the best of me, his loss is another company's gain. He won't get much buisiness with a poor attitude such as that!.
@Junebuggena: yes, I knew that. It's the same thing with Strhomberg's too, I was just trying to find an easier way so that the chicks wouldn't have to travel so far. I love Easter Eggers, I
own two Roosters.

@nchls School: I'm sorry that you too had bad experience with rude people too, I was just trying to give this man my buisiness and he obviously probably shouldn't have it anyways. There were a few people whom stated on the site reviews that the man (owner) is extremely rude. So I seem to have not been the only one whom he's treated so poorly, after hearing that I realized I'd faithfully stick with Stromberg's. Thank you for sharing your experience, it's the cruel people whom definitely ruine a person's mood. I won't let him get the best of me, his loss is another company's gain. He won't get much buisiness with a poor attitude such as that!.

Unfortunate that people act this way. Good luck with your endeavors.
Unfortunate that people act this way. Good luck with your endeavors.

Actually the man called me back and apologized, and I'm ordering my next batch of chicks from him. We actually talked and hit it off pretty well, we spoke about both of our passions about chickens and raising them.
He's quite knowledgeable when it comes to chickens as well.
I absolutely hate it when people treat me this way.   But...  I have to deal with many different people each day.  I know how hard it is to have someone drive me to the point of wanting to put a fist through the wall and then have to smile, bite back my anger, and act like nothing ever happened with the next person. Most times I am successful...and sometimes not so successful.

Make another phone call. Give another chance. And if the same thing happens again...tell him how you feel about his attitude....you'll feel better for doing so.  Then call Stromberg's.

Actually you're quite right, he actually apologized and our personality's matched up and once he realized that I was passionate about chickens and learning he was quite nice. Infact I'm ordering my next batch of chicks from him. So I guess you should give people a chance. .they could just be having a bad day.
Actually you're quite right, he actually apologized and our personality's matched up and once he realized that I was passionate about chickens and learning he was quite nice. Infact I'm ordering my next batch of chicks from him. So I guess you should give people a chance. .they could just be having a bad day.

How wonderful! Somehow I thought that might be the case.
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