Turning an old shed into a chicken coop advice?

Welcome! If it's structure is sound, it will make a great coop! Mine started out looking a lot like yours. Hardware cloth over every opening, more ventilation, as in an opening in the door, and something in the peak.
A dig proof foundation somehow. Maybe extra siding over what's there? Is the roof leaking? Fix that too.
A nice walk-in attached run.
It's too close to that fencing; can you move it? Or are those hidden walls solid? That's maybe going to be a problem, because you can't do any maintenance or ventilation on those two sides.
What does the inside look like, is it a dirt or wood floor. A gable vent in the front will help with ventilation. I would make all the windows top hinged, so you can have them open when it rains.

window support 2.jpg
How big is it?
Looks like a playhouse.

Ventilation is more important that insulation, insulation can be the perfect place for rodents and other pests so hide.

Is the roof leaking?
It's too close to that fencing; can you move it? Or are those hidden walls solid? That's maybe going to be a problem, because you can't do any maintenance or ventilation on those two sides.
Good questions. That back corner looks a bit funky.

What does the inside look like, is it a dirt or wood floor.
Also look at the framing, bottoms of walls, and under roof for signs of rot and water infiltration.

It could be cute as heck, but think structurally for now, cute can come later with paint and such.
My ? to add to your list. How old is that paint? Could it be lead based? You wouldn't want your birds to pass lead on to you in their eggs. Looks like the building is sitting directly on the ground, if so, the sill may be rotted, and I'm guessing the plywood in contact with the ground is also punky. Size matters. You will need at least 4 s.f. in coop per bird. Lack of overhangs will make the building more apt to collect water.
Our old shed/ coop conversion was kinda rough too, and we moved it onto a good foundation, covered the old siding with new, and reroofed it. Twenty-five years later, it's had two additions, and is still doing well.
PS And I want it bigger still!
The shed is pretty old, if it does have led based paint would I just paint over it? And to answer some other questions it’s sitting on a slab of concrete and I don’t think I’ll be able to move it

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