turning eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
I have had my eggs in the incubator pointy side down for days 1-6 and have been just kinda tilting them back and forth to turn them. I candled them last night and they are growing well. Should I now lay them down on their side and actually turn them or are they ok sitting up and down and just tilting them back and forth until hatching????
The reason i stood them up is because they were shipped and the box was all smashed up when it got to me. Some of the eggs were smashed. So I wanted to make sure the air cell settled in the right place.
If you use an automatic egg turner (most of them) will be with the small end pointing down. Then you get the side to side tilting with the egg turner. I always have good luck with this. In years past I didnt have a turner and just rolled them from one side marked with and X and the other with and O. This also works well. But I think as long as you are moving the egg one way or the other you should be good. Good luck and happy hatching!
If you use an automatic egg turner (most of them) will be with the small end pointing down. Then you get the side to side tilting with the egg turner. I always have good luck with this. In years past I didnt have a turner and just rolled them from one side marked with and X and the other with and O. This also works well. But I think as long as you are moving the egg one way or the other you should be good. Good luck and happy hatching!

Great!!! I was thinking the same thing...because I have seen those kind of automatic turners. Just wasn't sure what was best to do. I think I will just leave them then. I cut the egg cartons down really low so they should be ok. This is my first time and I am just happy that they are doing something....i was so worried after shipping that they wouldn't. Now fingers crossed that all goes well from here on out.

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