Tweety's progress


Jul 22, 2015
Since Tweety was hatched at the end of October, I've kept her in the house because of the cold winter we've been having here in the western part of Washington state. She is progressing very well and is spoiled rotten. I've started training her about a month or two ago and when you tell her "up" she gets up on your hand or arm. She also comes when you tap the floor with your fingers and tell her "come". She is currently living in the basement, in a large dog kennel for now, since we have no room for her upstairs and has the heat lamp on to keep her warm since it's an unfinished basement. When we go down there to grab something from the food pantry or do laundry or whatever else we need, she has a fit because she wants out. We let her out sometimes and she's figured out how to climb the stairs to go upstairs (lots of poop on the stairs and have to watch where you step but I try and clean up after her as soon as she does that) . Our dog, Nellie, and three cats get along with her real well. Sometimes when our younger cat Shadow gets to close she chases after him. It's very funny to watch. She also follows us around the house to be near us. She has gotten to where she thinks she can go anywhere in the house including the bathroom (she was in there yesterday just hanging out while I worked on my quilt in the dining room).
My husband suggested the same thing. It would be funny to see her in a diaper. Lol.
Tweety sounds like a lot of fun. In case you haven't seen it, there's a thread for members that have house chickens. I think you could do a search and it would pop up. It might be interesting to read how others are managing their in-house chickens.
Good idea. Poor baby is lonely since I accidentally killed her friend, Chicken Little, with my folding table when it fell on her. It's no wonder she wants out of her cage and going upstairs sheer we are. It's funny because she follows us around the house. I need to figure out a diaper for her.

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