Twin Chicks Help!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 24, 2010
Last night I candled my seven day old chicken eggs. In one something was off and upon closer observation I descovered there was two independent babies! I researched and found out they both can hatch but it would be difficult. Is there anything I can do to boost there chances? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I didn't even know the egg was a double yolker. . . I'm so scared I am going to kill them.
I candled them again and the babies are growing nicely. One is alot more active than the other but the other one still moves a ton. Will the less active one die? If it does will the twin survive or will it also die. And for future reference how can you tell a double yolker before incubation? I just don't think i can go through the stress of another set of twins:D
There have been a few cases where both chicks survive. Sometimes only 1 will make it to the end. They will have to be help out. 1 chick most likely won't be able to get air from air sac, so both ends with have to be pipped for them when the time comes. Usually a double yolker comes in a bigger egg than normal. I know when I candle a white egg I can see 1 or 2 yolks. Brown and green eggs are a bit harder. Good luck to you. Keep good documentation of what is happening.
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