Two 10 month old Welsummer roosters


5 Years
Jan 8, 2019
Marion, TX
My Coop
My Coop
These two Welsummer roosters are 10 months old and have recently began fighting. The beta is challenging the Alpha and is bigger. They were raised together and have 24 hens in a 12x20 coop & free ranged. So much for that myth.

They have been separated for two days for a cool off period. Tonight, I removed the speration and they went back at it. I did supervise and separated when the beta had the alpha comb with out letting go.

I like the idea of two roosters for 24 hens. They do a pretty good job alerting the girls of danger. But I am also wondering if one rooster is enough for that many hens.

P.s. I do enjoy broody hens raising their own.
Two roosters raised together often do well, though not in all cases. (It often depends on the breed.) For your situation, it sounds like you have done everything right. I suggest, if possible, separating 12 hens per a rooster and keeping them in separate pens or one flock in a pen and the other free ranging. You can take turns with each flock on free ranging, but keep the same hens to the same rooster consistently. If you want them all to be free ranging together, try doing that for two weeks to a month, then try allowing them to free range together again (under supervised time at first).

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