Two and a Half year old hens not laying many eggs


8 Years
Apr 13, 2012
We have 16 hens (Orpingtons, RIRs, Barred & White Rocks, etc.)
A few younger ones, but 12 are 2 1/2 years old.
They were all laying eggs fine early spring and we were getting about 9-12 eggs per day.
Now, we are getting 2-5 eggs per day.
They aren't THAT old yet to be slowing down this much, are they?

They always have fresh water and they free range about 5 hours per day.
We don't give them much snacks, besides some leftover garden veggies.
We feed the Purina Flock Raiser Crumbles and Oyster Shell is offered free choice at all times.
This may be just in my head, but I feel they might not be eating enough oyster shell, but how would I change that?

Any other thoughts on why they may have slowed down so much?

Thanks for the help!!
Greatest egg production is generally during the first 2 years for production birds. Your hens are probably being affected by shortening day length, an oncoming molt, and a normal break in their egg laying cycle. They will start laying again but at no where near the level of their first 2 years.
As Sourland said + if they have worms or parasites that will affect their egg laying, but don't expect anything like the first year or two, I don't know where do you live, but if the days are getting shorter egg numbers go down
I live in CT. I haven't noticed any worms or parasites. Besides a few bare butts from some feather pulling, they all seem nice & healthy. Maybe it's all part of a natural slow down due to age & shortening days.

They're getting towards to brink of middle age, and like what was already said.

Shortening days, hot weather, molt, worms, etc. if you do your monthly deworming then it should be fine, also I would've switched to pellets by now, crumbles are too easy on the gizzard... I mean so is pellets but jeez normally don't feed a two year old crumble unless I absolutely have too like for medical reasons or home made feed.
I live in CT. I haven't noticed any worms or parasites. Besides a few bare butts from some feather pulling, they all seem nice & healthy. Maybe it's all part of a natural slow down due to age & shortening days.
They are molting or getting ready to.
Seeing a lot of feathers laying around?
Did they molt last fall?
I really can't remember if they molted last fall, but yes, now that I think of it, I am seeing a bit of feathers laying around right now.

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