Two broodies in the same coop - will the chicks get confused?

When I had multiple moms (three at once), they all shared the chicks and treated them all as their own. The chicks used all the mothers as their moms indiscriminately. One of the hens lost interest early on, leaving the other two to raise the chicks - I'm not sure what that was about, but it didn't upset anyone. I never experienced fighting between the mama hens
My hen left the rooster to care for them at four weeks
Glad it is working well for the op. I seem to get multiple broodies frequently. The way it will work out is different each time. Like mentioned above where chicks and moms are just one big group happens, but in my standard coop I am more likely to see something else. Some broodies don't let the other mom and chicks near them. Some will let the other chicks come along, but not the other mother, while a few don't seem to care what the other mother does, but will attack the other chicks.
I tend to let them work it out, but sometimes I need to make sure separate feeders and waters are offered untill weening even though they are all together in the coop.
I am sure it is different depending on the individual personality of the hens. I'm grateful that these two mammas have accommodated each other fluidly. I haven't yet got them free-ranging with the rest of the flock as the chicks are still 10 days old. In another week hopefully, the crazy rains will also ease out a bit to allow for free-ranging. We will see how the mammas respond then. Fingers crossed they'll all be okay <3
Looks like all is going well! I have two broody hens in my coop at the moment, and this is my first hatch (due in a few days).
Wishing you all the very best!! Share some photos once they have settled with their chicks Meg.
It's just over a year since I've been a chicken daddy. Two of my hens are sitting on clutches of seven and six eggs in the same run in a broody coop, and about to hatch in the next four days. They are fine sharing that space when they get off for their one-time food, drink and mega poop time.

I plan to shift them to an Eglu cube with a three-meter run.
Somehow I feel they will be fine sharing that space with their chicks for a few weeks until the babies feather properly.

BUT my doubting mind questions.
Will the hens fight over the chicks?
Will the chicks get confused about their respective mammas?
Could the common feed and water container pose a challenge?

My gut feeling says they'll be fine. BUT kindly enlighten me if you have had a similar experience.
it just depends on the breed and temperment. I had a Rhode Island Red and an Australorp, they were in the same nest, and they accidently crushed most of their eggs. they ended up with one chick, and they shared it nicely, with one hen showing it how to be a chicken, and the other chasing away any barn cats who came too near.

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