Two Broody Hens with Eggs - Help!


7 Years
Aug 27, 2014
Hi! I am brand new to broody hens and hatching chicks. We had a hen go broody - so we got a rooster to help keep our flock going. Then we had another hen go broody. We really don't have a ton of space (or money - chickens are expensive!!) - so I planned to just leave my broody hens in the coop nesting boxes with the rest of the flock. This morning I went out and found two eggs broken open - one had a developing chick in it - and the other had almost a completely formed chick. I was horrified! I immediately got a large plastic tub and moved the broody hens and their eggs to the tub away from the rest of the flock. Here is my problem. I don't know what to do about the hens and their broody poop. I planned to just leave them in the tub and let them do their business in the tub. I don't know if I can catch them again if I let them out of the tub to let them get out and do their poo and then put them back in. Plus I have no idea of how often to let them out!

Additionally, I am thinking of adding a second tub and moving one hen to one and the other to the other tub to give them more room. Any ideas on the broody poop and letting the hens get exercise?

I have been reading articles on the internet and am concerned that these hens may kill their young when they are born! AAAAHH!! This chicken stuff if hard work on the brain! I just got over a whole bout with a raccoon killing my on to this. Would appreciate help with this. If you can suggest a good book that will help me through this, that would help a ton also. Thanks! :)
HI! I have dealt with broodies a lot, about hald of them I ended up letting them hatch chicks.

Egg breaking is a problem I have often. Usually when I have a broody I leave her in the nesting box, or if she allows, I'll move her to a rabbit hutch with a wire bottom and hay as bedding.
Make sure she always has food and water. Some broodies (silkies, in particular) will be so intent on setting they won't get up to eat or drink.
Broodies usually get up about twice a day to eat, drink, scratch, and poo. Broody poop is big and usually is compacted. I just use a stick and sweep it out of the hutch, that way she won't be sitting in it.
I have never had a broody kill her chick, except for once the baby silkie suffocated in the too deep nest. I have had a couple drown, so make sure your water isn't too open or deep.
Hope this helps!

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