Two ducks sitting on the same nest?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 10, 2012
Two ducks have claimed the same nest of eggs. They have a kind of schedule worked out - they both sit on it at night and then in the morning, one of the girls go out, when she returns at the end of the day, back to the nest with the other girl, and the next morning the other girl goes out and the other sits all day.

Has anyone ever seen this? How does this end up? Since they aren't on the nest all day, every day, do they still stop laying?
I have two girls laying on the same nest right now. It's freakin' adorable. I'll find out in about two weeks what happens when the eggs hatch.
I'm hoping that since they're such good friends, they'll co-mother. That would be so cute, wouldn't it?!
Two ducks have claimed the same nest of eggs. They have a kind of schedule worked out - they both sit on it at night and then in the morning, one of the girls go out, when she returns at the end of the day, back to the nest with the other girl, and the next morning the other girl goes out and the other sits all day.

Has anyone ever seen this? How does this end up? Since they aren't on the nest all day, every day, do they still stop laying?
I have the same thing going on right now....the two just started in the last few days. If this is going to end in disaster should I pull the eggs and bust the nest now. Has anybody had this be successful? I'm not gonna let them sit if all they are going to do is kill the ducklings. :( They are Welsh Harlequins btw if that makes any difference.
They should be successful and I do not think they will kill the Ducklings....What will happen though is the first ones to hatch will imprint to what ever Hen that was there as they hatch....She will sit for 24 hours and then abandoned any other eggs that are in the nest to start rearing the Ducklings....
You could remove the other Hen when hatch date gets close or just leave it and see how it goes?...Both are wanting to be Mommas so they both will love the Ducklings....
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I would try splitting up a nest don't leave them both sitting there when one hatches and inprints with the mom the other mom will get mad. They will fight over the baby I've seen it happen 2 times.

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